Travis spins around and stares at me.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Did she see him?”

I nod and proceed to fill him in on all that was said. From what he was saying, I don’t think it was the first time he had cheated on our girl. How he could cheat on someone who sucks dick like that, I will never know. Fuck that was the best head I’ve ever received, and she took me fucking her throat better than any woman I have ever been with. From that blow job alone, I’m considering putting a ring on her finger and claiming her as mine forever. Okay, I may need to share her with Ryan and even Travis if he ever gets around to finally admitting how he feels about her.

“Do we know where he lives? I’m thinking we pay the arsehole a visit and teach him a few manners,” Travis says through gritted teeth. His jaw is so clenched I can see every muscle in it. If he were to get his hands on Marshall, there wouldn’t be any chance of him daring to come near Verity again. Travis would destroy him emotionally and physically.

“No, and for now, I think we leave it that way. But we can find him easy enough if he does anything else to upset our girl. I think she wants to put the whole thing behind her for now.”

Travis nods as he takes a few calming breaths, and his jaw finally relaxes enough for him to take a sip of his coffee.

“Where is she? Did you manage to get her to go back to bed?”

“Uh huh,” I hum into my drink.

“Where’s Ryan?”

“Sleeping,” I reply, trying to avoid looking at him, but I can feel his eyes on me.

“As well?”

“Uh-huh,” I reply, pretending to be busy with my phone, unable to look him in the eye as I’m racked with guilt.

“Where?” Travis asks as he puts his head around the kitchen door, where he will be able to see the chair that Ryan tends to sit in.

“Upstairs,” I answer, climbing to my feet. “I’m going to get changed and head to the gym now you’re back.” But I get less than one step past him, and he grabs my arm.

“Tell me they are not asleep in the same bed.”

“Okay,” I reply, trying to get away quickly, but Travis keeps his hold on my arm and stops me from going anywhere.

“When I said keep an eye on her, I didn’t mean fuck her. Can neither of you two do anything that doesn’t evolve your dicks?” he growls through gritted teeth. “Don’t you think she has been through enough without him adding to the problem?”

“Wow!” I call, shrugging his hand off. “For the record, she started it. We never planned on fucking her, but.”

“WE?” Travis shouts and quickly lowers his voice as we look up the stairs to see if she has heard us.

“Yes, okay, we!” I snap, nodding towards the dining room, where I know we can talk privately and close the door so Verity doesn’t hear anything.

As soon as the door closes Travis stares at me with his arms crossed. Ah shit, trust Ryan to be sleeping through the bollocking.

“You want to know the details, then fine, here they are.” I pull out a chair and make a point of sitting down. When I nod towards another chair, Travis ignores me and continues to stare at me. I roll my eyes and proceed to tell him how things progressed from cuddles on the sofa, to me getting her off and then all that happened in her room.

“Verity told us numerous times not to stop, and when we asked if she had enough, she told us no. I’m telling you, that woman is a fucking vixen. I swear she has some serious hidden kinks. She just needs the right person or persons to help her find out what they are.”

“And I suppose you guys are the perfect people to help her?” Travis asks sarcastically. I shrug and pick up my mug.

“You could as well if you would just give in and admit you like her.”

Travis doesn’t reply, but from the look on his face, I know that he isn’t going to be doing any of that any time soon. Instead, he looks at his watch and sighs.

“Well, as neither of them will get up any time soon, I might as well unpack.” He turns to the door but stops when he places his hand on the handle. “I don’t agree with what you did, but if it makes her happy, then who am I to argue with it.”

“You could always join in?” I suggest again, which earns me the side eye to end all side eyes. “Or not. Got it,” I add, pretending to zip my mouth. Travis shakes his head and sighs deeply before walking out of the dining room.

I relax into the chair I’m sitting in and finish my almost-cold coffee. He might not want to admit it, but I saw the way his eyes darkened when I was describing the sex. I even went into a little more detail than was needed to get a reaction out of him. It was there. It's only slight, but I bet he will need to find his own release soon enough.

I stand from the table and take my empty cup to the kitchen before heading to my room. As I pass Verity’s room, I can’t help but smile, knowing our satisfied girl is in there, sleeping in my brother's arms. Am I a little jealous? A bit, but I also know I don’t have time to lie about today. I need to reply to a few clients and get a workout in of my own. At least if I can’t be there to hold her whilst she sleeps, it’s one of my brothers, that is. I know they will give her anything she needs, even the one who refuses to admit that he has fallen for her like the rest of us.