I have never considered the possibility of sharing a woman with my brothers, but for some reason, with Verity, it is all I can think about. Not just in a sexual way, either. That woman deserves to be showered with love and worshipped. She needs to be shown daily that she is loved and wanted and needs more than just one of us can give her. But the three of us together could finally give her the love and affection she deserves and craves.



“Come on, Little Kitten. It’s time to wake up.”

“What time is it?” I ask, looking around, surprised to find it’s dark outside the window.

“It’s just gone three.”

I’ve slept for at least an hour and a half. I never sleep in the day, no matter how tired I am. But there again, I was feeling so relaxed after the best sex I’ve ever had. It’s no surprise I fell asleep.

“How you feeling?” Ryan asks, sitting on the edge of the bed in nothing but his jeans, holding a mug.

“I’m okay,” I reply as he hands me the coffee once I’m sat with the duvet pulled up to my chest. I take it and can smell the freshly brewed caffeine my body’s craving.

“Are you sure? Do you want to talk about anything?” he asks, taking my hand. Shaking my head, I give him a small smile.

“I don’t have any regrets if that’s what you mean.” Suddenly, my usual insecurities flood my senses, and I start to panic. “Unless you do?”

“What? No! God no! I, I mean we, don’t regret a single thing. We were just worried you would feel like we forced you into something you weren’t ready for,” he stammers, lifting his hand to cup my cheek. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while, and Ethan has too. We just never dreamt anything would happen like it has. That doesn’t mean you have to do anything again if you don’t want to,” he adds quickly as I relax a little. I want things to happen again. I loved it, and it really was the best sex I’ve ever had. But I also know how quickly I can get attached to people, which is never good when things have a time limit. The guys are only back for a short while, and then they will leave, and I will go back to being on my own again.

“Thank you,” I reply, not knowing what else to say. He leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead.

“Anything you want or need, we are here for. Whether it's amazing sex, a cuddle when you need one or even someone to make sure you get some sleep when you need it. Whatever it is, we are here for it; we all are in our own ways.”

I nod before looking at the clock and sigh; I need to shower and stretch before I leave for the performance. Ryan touches the duvet over my knee and squeezes slightly to get my attention.

“Go and do whatever you need to do before the show. Travis is back and will take you. I’m going to come with you both and collect your car. Travis has something he wants to do and will finish at the same time as you so he can drive you home.”

“Is that his way of ensuring I don’t go on a bender again?” I ask, forcing a grin. Ryan rolls his eyes as he stands.

“Probably, you know what he’s like.” He leaves the room leaving me alone with my coffee and busy mind to prepare for the performance.

“Do you have everything you need?” Travis asks as we pull away from the house.

“Most of my stuff is in the car. I’m hoping it hasn’t been nicked or anything,” I sigh, running my hand over my bun, checking for any loose hairs. My best hairspray is in my dance bag, and I don’t trust the stuff I just used.

“I’m sure everything will be there,” Ryan says from the back of the car.

“Including my phone. I dread to think of the messages Jaz and Danni will have left on it.”

Travis hadn’t grabbed my phone when he picked me up last night, and apparently, Danielle had locked up the car and thrown the keys to him before he brought me home. My phone, purse, dance bag and make-up are all still in the car, at least I hope they are. The make-up alone is worth hundreds. I hope no one stole anything. I can’t afford to replace or claim it on the insurance. I don’t like the idea of asking my dad to help me out. He pays for enough, and I know he works hard to give me what I have. School and the house aren’t cheap, which is why I appreciate everything he does for me.

“How close are you to the O’Reilly girl?” Travis asks. I look at him as I remember how he treated Jaz and Christian last night. I had no idea he even knew them.

“Very, which is why you owe Jaz an apology and Christian.”

Travis gives me the side eye as Ryan laughs behind me.

“Yeah, good luck with that one,” he laughs as Travis grunts something I can’t make out.

“I’ll apologise to the girl if it makes you feel better, but I ain’t apologising to that prick, Christian.” I notice Travis clutching the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles are white. I find myself reaching over to place a hand over his. “I can guess something bad went down between you, and I know he has done some bad things over the years. But he loves my best friend and saved her life. I will forever be grateful to him for that.”

Travis turns his head momentarily and looks at me before nodding as he returns to concentrating on the road.

“Fair enough. I won’t ask you to stay away as I’ll never tell you what you should be doing. But I will tell you to be careful.” He turns to look at me as he stops at a red light. “If anything happens to you because of him or any of his brothers, I will kill them without a second’s thought.”