“I’m fine.” The lie slips easily from my lips as it’s one I’ve told for so long I don’t know how to stop anymore. From how Ethan looks at me, I know he doesn’t believe me.

“Why don’t we all eat lunch in here and watch a film or something together? Your choice,” he offers me with a smile. I nod and reach for the controller, which is on the coffee table.

“Sounds good,” I reply.

“I swear to God Nicholson thought we were feeding the ten thousand. This food will last us a month,” Travis walks in, laughing. He looks from Ethan to me, and his smile slips.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing; Ethan was just offering to let me pick a movie for us all to watch,” I answer, smiling. Ethan and Travis share a look and I know they aren’t going to let it drop. But before they can say anything, I hear a car pull up outside the house.

“Let me see who that is, then you can tell me what’s really going on,” Travis calls, giving me his Daddy look, and I know he isn’t going to drop it.

“I’m fine, just hungover,” I call back, hoping he will drop it, but judging from the deep hum I hear, I know he isn’t.

“What the fuck do you want?”

Ethan and I both turn to see Travis holding the front door open but we can’t see who’s outside.

“I need to speak to you,” the female voice answers, and I know it’s Linda.

“Well, I have nothing to say to you, so you can leave,” Travis goes to close the door, but Linda must put her foot in the way or hold the door open as it stops.

“Please, Travis. I’m in trouble and don’t know where else to go. Your brothers aren’t home, so I guessed you are all here or still in hiding.” I can hear the fear and upset in her voice, and I feel sorry for her.

“What the hell do you want, Mother? Travis close the door,” Ryan snaps as he comes out of the kitchen.

“Ryan darling, please, I need your help.”

“I won’t be helping you with shit. I’m done with you and that waste of space of a husband.” I have never seen Ryan look so angry or scary. He means every word, and from the look of the way Ethan is nodding, he feels the same.

“Goodbye, Linda.” Travis closes the door and turns away from it. I look back at the door and know Linda is out there alone and scared, and it doesn’t feel right.

“Let her in.”

All three guys look at me frowning.

“What? After everything they did?” Ethan asks. I nod and start to head towards the stairs, knowing I am the last person she will want to see.

“Let her in and see what she needs. We don’t know how much she knew. Let’s face it: my father lied to everyone; she may not have known the full truth. Give her a chance; if you don’t like what she says, then fine. But please, we don’t all need to lose our parents this Christmas.”

Travis steps forward and cups my cheek.

“You are too good and pure for this world, Sweetheart.” He kisses me before nodding to Ryan. “Let her in.” Travis looks back at me and points towards the lounge. “You stay in there; I don’t want you upstairs alone. You know why, and I’m not going to be worried about you up there whilst dealing with her in there.”

I know it’s only fair, so nod and head back into the lounge. As I close the door, Ethan puts his foot in the way.

“Leave it open a jar. You have as much right to hear what she has to say for herself as we do.”

I nod before leaving the door open a bit and stepping back until I’m beside the sofa. I sit down and listen to the conversation outside.

“You have five minutes. If we don’t like what you have to say, then you will be shown out,” I hear Ryan snap.

“Thank you. I knew you wouldn’t see your poor mum out on the streets,” I hear Linda sniff.

“Don’t push it, Mother.” Travis sounds fed up already, and I know he wouldn’t be giving her the time of day if I hadn’t asked him to. “So, what have we done to be graced with your presence?”

“Can we sit in the lounge? I’m tired and cold,” Linda starts, but Travis cuts her off.