“It’s here or the kitchen.”

“I guess the kitchen will do. Any chance of a glass of wine? Or maybe something a little stronger?”

“I’m pretty sure Travis told you not to push your luck,” I hear Ethan sigh as the sound of their footsteps heads towards the kitchen. I creep closer to the door. Ethan is right. I have every right to know what is being said; it’s about me and my father, after all.

“So why are you here, Mother?” Travis asks.

“Henry is missing. I have no idea where he is or if he’s even alive. I went out the other day to get a few bits for Christmas and returned to find the house empty and unlocked. I think he has done something stupid.” Linda bursts into tears, and for a moment, I feel bad for her. Maybe she doesn’t know how deep my father is with someone like Nicholson. I certainly had no idea he associated with people like that.

“And it’s taken you three days to try and find out what happened?” I hear Travis ask. “Where have you been all that time?” he adds.

“I’ve been at the house too scared to leave in case he returned. He was so upset about Verity leaving the way she did, and he was worried sick.”

I’m surprised when Ethan bursts out laughing.

“Travis, didn’t you stay at the house Christmas Eve?”

“I did, and I certainly didn’t see you there,” Travis answers. Why did he stay at the house? “And I know for a fact you knew exactly where he had gone and that Verity hadn’t run away.”

“How would I know any of that?” she argues.

“Because from what I can gather, it was your idea for Verity to marry that man, even though you knew she wouldn’t want to, and I am sure you are well aware that Henry had twenty million in savings.”

“You have no idea what you are talking about. You are just bitter because of Verity running off like she did. I know you tried to help her, but some people just aren’t worth helping. Her mother spoilt her, and poor Henry has been left to deal with her ever since that dreadful woman died. You are better off without her in your life, son. She will bring you nothing but heartache like she did her poor father.”

I feel my anger exploding in a way it never has before. I storm out of the lounge and head for the kitchen as I hear Ethan shouting at his mother. I stop and listen for a moment, knowing the guys have more right to kick her out than I do. This isn’t even my house; she forced me out of mine!

“Get out right now, you evil bitch!”

“Not until you help me find out where Henry is!”

“Henry or the money?” Ryan asks. “Because knowing you Mother, you will want to know where the twenty million is!”

“Well, I am entitled to some of it. But mostly, I want to know where that girl is so I can give her to the relevant people and get my husband back.”

I storm into the kitchen and stop behind her.

“I’m right here.”

Linda spins around and stares at me. Her face goes from shocked to livid in the space of three seconds.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she demands, jumping to her feet. “Do you have any idea the trouble you have caused?”

“Me? What the hell did I do?” I demand, placing my hands on my hips. “I never asked to be treated like a cash machine. You and that man only kept me around so you could live off my inheritance!” I yell. “You are nothing but a desperate housewife who wants to spend her days drinking and getting everything handed to her on a plate.”

“You can’t speak to me like that!” Linda spins around and looks at the guys, who are all smiling at me. “Are you going to stand there and let her say such horrible things about me?”

Travis shrugs as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“I’d correct her if she were wrong, but she speaks nothing but the truth so far.”

Linda looks to the other two who shrug in agreement. She spins back on her heels and looks at me.

“What are you even doing here?”

“She lives here,” Travis answers as he walks over and places a hand on the bottom of my back.

“We all do,” Ethan adds as he stands on my other side, and Ryan stands at my back. “We all live here together.”