I wake up and look around the empty room. Finding myself alone for the first time in days. Taking a deep breath, I let my mind wander for the first time in what feels like forever since the guys never let me leave their sight. They are worried about everything I learnt and how I’m handling it all. If I’m being honest, I have no idea if it’s even sunk in yet. Everything has been moving a hundred miles an hour since we left Travis.
There has been so much to organise and sort out that I haven’t had time to stop and process that so much of my life has been a lie. I know I need to face it all, and I will. I’m just not ready yet.
Yesterday, the guys and I shared a feast of snacks Ryan had found for us. After a call from Travis, who still doesn’t know when he will be home today, the three of us curled up in Ryan’s bed and watched a Christmas film before falling asleep.
We were all exhausted after a busy couple of days. Going to the guy's houses and getting their things took a whole day. They have already decided to put their houses on the market in the new year, so they can put the money towards getting us a bigger one for us all to share and have our own space. But I know it isn’t going to happen overnight, and we will be here for a few months at least unless I buy us all a place.
No one has mentioned the money I now have. I still can’t grasp my head around that. I’m a millionaire; my mum was a multi-millionaire, and I never knew. How did I not know that? I always assumed all money came from my father, and she was a stay-at-home mum. Why would I think any different? So many of the people I dance with have the same setup. One parent earns the money, and the other stays at home and handles family life. There were never any signs that I can think of that she was the one with all the money.
Trying not to fall down that rabbit hole of questions, I sit up and reach for my phone, hoping there will be a message from Travis. It’s just gone six in the morning, and there is nothing waiting for me. I know it’s early, and he said that Nicholson has him working through the night most of the time, but I was hoping he would know when he would be home.
Opening the message app I decide to message him first.
Verity: Merry Christmas, Daddy. I hope you can get home as quickly as possible, as I miss you and need a Daddy cuddle. Love you xxxx
I sigh as I click send and place the phone back on the side.
Ryan and Ethan have been amazing while Travis has been away. They have ensured I have everything I want from the house and helped me unpack my things. I couldn't bring myself to enter when we went to my father's house to get a few things. I had a panic attack on the steps into the house, so the guys took it in turns to sit with me whilst the other collected things. They have said they will go back whenever I want to get the rest of my belongings; all I have to do is ask.
I want to go back at some point and face the ghosts of my past. I want to get as much of my mother's things as possible before he can take it all from me. I just don’t know when I will be up for it.
The bedroom door opens, and Ryan walks in wearing joggers and a t-shirt.
“Merry Christmas, Little Kitten.”
“Merry Christmas, Bear,” I answer with a smile. “You weren’t here when I woke up,” I pout playfully, trying to hide the pain that was starting to form in my chest.
“We woke up early,” he smiles, walking over and kissing me. “Ethan’s downstairs putting the coffee on. It looks like Santa’s been,” he winks as I scramble from the bed excitedly. Forcing myself to leave all my worries behind, even if for a short time.
I can’t remember the last time I was excited about Christmas. I’ve been on my own for so long now that nothing was ever a surprise. But this year, I feel the excitement I had as a young child.
Before coming to bed last night, Calvin had dropped off the stuff from the safe house, which he had packed for us. The presents I had for the guys before we had to go into hiding were all hidden in my suitcase, and I left them piled up by the fireplace before coming to bed. I’m not expecting anything from the guys; there’s no way they would have had time to buy me anything. It’s not the presents I’m excited for; it’s the time spent with my guys, and every hour that passes is one closer to Travis coming home.
Ryan chuckles as he holds up my dressing gown for me.
“Put this on; you’re not going downstairs naked; it’s far too distracting,” he laughs, helping me into the fleece gown and tying it around my waist. “We could have some fun with this,” he points out, tying a knot.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I smile, lifting onto my toes. I press a kiss to his lips as he pulls me against him. “But first, presents,” I grin grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room as he laughs loudly.
“I only said he had been, not that he had left you anything,” Ryan points out.
“But I left presents downstairs for you,” I smile over my shoulder. “Now hurry up!” I continue to drag him as he laughs down the stairs, coming to a stop at the lounge door.
There, in one corner of the room, is a beautiful Christmas tree covered in lights and ornaments; I recognise Mum's angel on the top, as well as other family ornaments. Underneath are more presents than I can count. The whole room is decorated and looks amazing, making the room feel more like home than my house ever did.
“You went back for it all,” I gasp as my eyes burn.
“It wasn’t us,” Ryan whispers. I’m about to ask him who when a voice sounds behind me.
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.”
Travis is standing in the hallway, smiling with Ethan behind him.
“Daddy,” I gasp as I rush forward, leaping into his arms so I can wrap my arms and legs around him. He lifts me as I cry into his shoulder. “You’re home.” He is really here, and my heart finally feels whole again now the missing piece has returned to me.