“They’ll be here in a couple of days; they are taking care of a few things first.” He cuts into his sandwich while grinning at me. “So, you’re stuck with just me for the time being, sorry.”

I pick up my bag and sigh dramatically.

“Well, don’t bug me, and I won't bug you,” I say, walking out of the kitchen smiling.

“But, what if I want to bug you?”

“Tough!” I laugh. “I have someone coming over, don’t tell anyone, especially our parents!” I call out nervously, rushing up the stairs to my room. I hear Ethan asking who’s coming over, but don’t bother answering. He will know soon enough as he should be here any minute.

I don’t think any of the guys have met a boyfriend before, and now that I know Ethan is here, I’m not sure how I feel about him coming over. My love life is something I keep very quiet and even the girls haven’t met him. It’s not that I’m ashamed of him or that he isn’t attractive because he is. But my father has always told me to stay away from guys, and I find it easier to hide it from him if no one else knows either. I might be twenty-one, but I still want to ensure I don’t upset my dad. He does so much for me; the least I can do is do as he asks, most of the time.

Dropping my bag at the bottom of my bed I shrug off my jacket to place it on the chair. I’d been so excited when I thought Dad was home. As happy as I am to see Ethan, it’s not the same. I miss my dad and having him around. When he’s home, everything seems a little better with the world. Even if he is only back for a few days, those days mean the world to me.

I rush into my bathroom to brush my teeth and check my make-up. It’s been a long day, and the performance tonight felt like it was dragging. I think we are all in desperate need of a break. Thankfully, I have tomorrow night off before the last three weeks of performances start. Marshall is staying tonight and tomorrow after we go out for a meal at his favourite restaurant. I know I should probably use the night off to rest, but it’s Christmas, and it's not like I have anything else to do with my time.

Walking back into my room, I grab my phone from my bag and check the time stamp on Marshall’s last message. I realise he should be here any moment as headlights light up my bedroom window. Throwing my phone onto the bed, I rush down the stairs, eager to get to the door before Ethan. I’m just getting to the bottom step when he comes out of the kitchen at the exact moment Marshall knocks on the door.

“Who’s that?” He asks as I rush past him to open the door.

“Hi!” I call a little too loud as I throw my arms around Marshall. He chuckles to himself whilst hugging me back.

“Anyone would think you’d missed me,” he says as I take his hand, leading him into the house.

“I have,” I reply, smiling before turning to see Ethan at the bottom of the stairs, frowning at us. “Can we help you?” I ask as Marshall comes to an abrupt stop beside me.

“Oh, hi,” he says nervously, looking at my stepbrother.

“Who’s this?” Ethan asks, staring at him.

“Marshall, I told you not to bug me when I have company,” I point out as I go to pull Marshall up the stairs, but Ethan blocks our way.

“Are you the boyfriend or gay best friend?” Ethan asks, staring at him.

“Boyfriend. And you are?” he asks, standing tall beside me. For crying out loud, are they going to get their cocks out and compare sizes too? There again, if it came to a fight, I know Ethan would win. He has a lot more muscle mass than Marshall, who is relatively thin in compassion.

“The one who will break your legs if you hurt my … stepsister.”

“Okay, enough,” I snap, stepping between them. “Ethan, move,” I order, pushing him out of the way.

“Actually, Ver, I can’t stay for long. I’m heading to Toms if you want to come?”

I turn to Marshall, frowning. He knows I don’t like going to his friends.

“His parents are away, and we are going round in a bit for a gaming session.”

Ethan snorts behind me before trying to disguise it with a cough. Man, I want to kick him right now. Going around to his mates while they all play on their game consoles is not how I want to spend my evening. He knows this and is probably only mentioning it now, knowing I will say no.

“It’s fine; why don’t you go, and I can see you tomorrow.” I can feel Ethan's presence behind me; I can almost see the stupid smirk he has on his face.

“Are you sure? I promised we could chill out tonight,” Marshall starts. I hear Ethan cough as he walks away from us and back into the kitchen.

“It’s fine; you go and enjoy time with your mates,” I smile as I lead him back towards the door. He turns around and wraps an arm around my waist. “I love you,” I whisper, smiling up at him.

“You’re the best,” he smiles before kissing me and turning around to almost run to his car. I wave as he drives off and close the door, letting out a deep sigh.

“What? No, I love you?”

I spin and glare at Ethan.