“We did say it!” I snap. One side of Ethan's mouth lifts as he smirks at me.
“No, you did, he didn’t. I was listening in from the kitchen.”
I roll my eyes and head towards the stairs, planning on getting as far away from him as possible.
“F.Y.I, you could do better.” He turns and walks into the lounge as I storm towards my room.
What does he know? “You could do better,” please! Marshall is loving and caring, and he does love me; I know he does. Just because he didn’t say it that one time doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about me.
I walk into my room and slam the door behind me. Well, there goes my plans for the evening. It looks like I won’t be getting what I hoped for, which is why I was so eager to get Marshall upstairs to my room. The truth is I love the feeling you get after a good orgasm. It’s something I crave to the point I could probably say I’m slightly addicted.
People would never believe me if I told them. They all see me as the shy, quiet woman who probably doesn’t even have sex. But it’s a side of me no one can ever know about. It can be an issue because I’ve noticed if I go too long without one, I can get moody, and then people start asking questions I don’t want to answer. To prevent this, I need to orgasm almost daily; otherwise, I get cranky and irritable, making it a struggle to concentrate when dancing. I usually handle it by getting myself off in the shower most of the time. But tonight, I needed more and had hoped Marshall could relieve some of my built-up tension. Not that he is amazing at the actual sex part; I rarely get off unless I’m on top. But he is good at foreplay, and if I give him a little help, I can usually get off. But I guess that’s not going to happen tonight.
I realised about a year ago, when I was with my ex, that my constant mood swings and concentration issues were always better after we had a good night of sex. He is the only person I ever talked to about this, and he left me because I was too high maintenance. Since then, I have dealt with the issue on my own, having not found anyone who makes me feel the way he did during sex. I figured all I could do was try to make the most of a bad situation.
Looking at my drawer where my selection of sex toys is hidden, including my favourite vibrator, I consider getting it out, only to remember I have a houseguest whose bedroom is next to mine.
I open my door quietly and listen, trying to gauge where Ethan is. I can hear the TV in the lounge in the distance and know if he has a film on, he’ll be down there for a while. Closing my door with a smile, I head to my bed whilst stripping. I can feel the aching between my legs building as I climb under the covers and pull my toy and lube from the drawer. I won’t need the lube, but it will add to the pleasure as it tingles, meaning I come quicker than I do without it. Not that it will take me long tonight. I have been on edge all day.
I get myself comfortable in bed; I squeeze a little lube onto my fingers and rub it over my clit, it takes a second to start working, but when it does, I feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I love this lube; it’s cooling and feels the best of the many I have tried.
I lie back on my pillow and just enjoy the feeling of the lube and my fingers around my clit. It doesn’t take long to have a small orgasm, but as I predicted, it isn’t enough. I pull out my vibrator and listen out one last time for any sign that Ethan has come upstairs before turning it on to the lowest setting and teasing my entrance with it. I bite my lip as the vibrations course through me. I run it up and down between my lips from my entrance to my slightly sensitive clit and back again. Slowly, I push the vibrator inside and sigh as it fills me. This is what I needed, to be filled to the point it nearly hurts. I love the whole pain-with-pleasure element. I long to find someone who will grab my hair, slap my ass, and choke me. I want to be fucked hard by someone, as well as made love to. But it's hard to attract the kind of men I want when you are as quiet as me, and everyone expects you to be the good little ballerina.
I start moving the vibrator in and out of me, starting slow until I know I have to go harder. With one hand on the vibrator and the other rubbing my clit I pick up speed. It feels so good; why can’t I find a guy to make me feel this way?
“Ahh god,” I gasp loudly before quickly reminding myself I’m meant to be quiet. I stop for the briefest second, and when I don’t hear anything, I carry on. I know I need to hurry up, so I concentrate purely on the sensation of the vibrator hitting every spot within me. As I start rubbing my clit, I feel myself heading quickly to that sensation I am so desperate to feel.
As my body tenses and the pleasure builds, nothing else matters but this feeling right here. God, I love sex, but when you can give yourself the most perfect orgasm, hitting just the right spots, who needs a man?
I cum loudly and have to slam my hand over my mouth as my release vibrates through my whole body. My pussy clamps around the vibrator, and I swear it nearly sucks it completely inside of me. I’m breathing heavily and know that if Ethan walks past my door right now, he will hear me, but I’m too relaxed to care.
Removing my vibrator, I lie still in the after-orgasm glow and enjoy the content and satisfied feeling that overcomes me. This is what I love, this feeling of being so satisfied I could curl up and sleep.
I reach for the tissues I keep in my top drawer and clean myself up before dropping them into the bin beside my bed to throw away in the morning.
With everything hidden away, I curl on my side and close my eyes, ready for a half-decent sleep. Pushing all my insecurities and worries to the back of my mind as I do every night. Tomorrow is another day, and I want to start it feeling refreshed.
I look at my sports watch as I stop at the back door and see it’s bang on seven AM. Perfect. I still have time to get in, stretch, and have a shower and breakfast before I have to meet with a potential client.
I toe off my running shoes, not wanting to walk any mud into the house, before entering the utility room that leads to the kitchen.
I hate this house, not the actual house itself, but when I visit, I have to deal with the stuck-up housekeeper who wants the place to be like a showroom, and no one can leave any sign that people actually live here. It’s no wonder Verity can be so quiet and subdued at times. She’s forced to live in a glass house and forbidden to touch any surfaces.
There again, she wasn’t so quiet last night. I know exactly what she was doing in that room, and fuck, it was hot. I couldn’t stop myself from going to my room and taking my cock in my hand to find my own release whilst listening to her.
I come to a stop as I enter the kitchen, surprised to see Verity dressed and eating muesli. Her long blonde hair is poker straight as it hangs down her back, she has a little make-up on, and her skin is so fair it almost glows against the dark interior of the kitchen. She reminds me of a porcelain doll, just without the creepy factor. She is so beautiful it takes my breath away every time I see her.
“Good morning, Baby Girl,” I chirp, walking over to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water. “You’re up early,” I add, turning to look at her.
“I’m always up by six,” she answers, pushing her cereal around in the bowl. Something doesn’t seem right this morning, she didn’t even look up as I entered.
Verity finally lifts her head and shrugs.