Golubev lifts his handgun, pointing it towards the man who just spoke, and fires a single shot which pierces between his eyes, splattering blood and brain matter on the wall behind him.

“What the fuck?” another man shouts, dodging the shower of red.

“He was getting on my nerves,” Golubev says. “Enough people have gotten on my nerves today.”

“I don’t care about that, but warn me next time. I don’t want his insides all over my jacket.”

Golubev sneers. “Get him out of here before he attracts the flies.”

Then he turns his attention back to me.

“Jennifer, it is so nice to see you again,” he says. “Welcome to Alcan Grove. You look much better these days. Healthy. How is your baby?”

“Fuck off,” I snap.

“Feisty. I like that. It means you will put up a fight when we put you on display for Kiril. That will drive him crazy.”

“Kiril is going to kill you.” I spit my words at him.

“Darling, he tried. This morning. Why do you think we were on our way to get you?”

I feel my face fill with horror. Kiril tried and didn’t succeed. But he also told me he is going to put me on display for Kiril, so that means he is still alive.

My eyes dart around the room.

“Looking for a way out?” he asks, nudging my body with his foot. “There is nowhere to go. Besides, you should hang around. I believe the Dubrov brothers are on their way here as we speak. We’re going to use you, and that vermin growing inside you, to teach Kiril a little lesson about what happens when you mess with me.”

He turns to his men.

“Tie her up. Gag her. I don’t want to listen to her whining voice anymore. Get everyone ready. Where is my knife, the one with the ivory grip?”

Chapter 22 - Kiril

We are in the car on our way to Golubev’s hideout. I have my phone pressed against my ear and a look of absolute horror spreads across my face.

“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone?” I bark into the phone, and I hear my sister whimper.

“She took off. I didn’t see her go. We were going to go swimming, but then she didn’t come to the pool and when I went to find her, she was gone. I had the guys check the security footage. We saw her leaving in your dark blue jeep.”


If she is in the jeep, I can track her. And the navigation system links to the app on my phone as well.

“About an hour ago.”

“She’s been gone for an hour, and you’re only telling me now?”

My sister starts to answer me, but I end the call abruptly. I can’t talk anymore. I need to track the jeep.

“What is going on?” Fyodor asks with concern in his voice.

“Jennifer took the jeep and skipped out on Darya.”

“She’s probably fine, man. You can track the car, right?”

“Yes—there.” I grit my teeth. No.

This cannot be happening.