“What? Where is she?”

“Alcan Grove. The jeep is in Alcan Grove.”

“We’re twenty minutes away, Kiril. We’re close. We’ll get to her.”

“She might already be fucking dead!” I scream the words and the silent response inside the car is heavy.

Paval shakes his head. “No, he will keep her alive. He knows you’re coming, and he will use her.”

“Fuck!” I scream again.

Nobody tells me to calm down. Nobody comments. They know not to. There is nothing to say. We just have to get there. Now. What the hell was she doing? Where was she going? What the fuck was she thinking, leaving the house without security and without even telling me she was going out?

I slide open the navigation system. The last address punched into the jeep is a coffee shop in town, near to where she lived.

She was going to meet her friend. She couldn’t wait one more fucking day.

I toss the phone onto the floor of the car and press my hands against my temple.

We speed down the road towards Alexander Golubev’s secure house. It is a fortress. It is much harder to get into than the warehouse.

Paval is on the phone informing our men of the new situation. They are close behind us in the other two cars. At least we have backup. We are ready for this. We can do this.

I will get Jennifer back.

Paval turns in the seat, leaning into the back of the car he pulls a large black case towards himself. I hear the clips springing open. He works efficiently to put together the compact rocket launcher. We will need it to get through the front gate. We’d planned to use it on the house at Alcan Grove once we were inside, but now we can’t. Not if Jennifer is inside there somewhere.

I reach above my head and pull the sunroof open.

We are five minutes out from our destination. My brothers shuffle as they get their gear ready. Paval lifts himself up, leaning outside the sunroof, and hoists the rocket launcher onto his shoulder as we approach the entrance to Alcan Grove.

The driver slows and Paval takes aim.

A loud whistle pierces my ears for a second, and then an explosion shakes the ground. The gate shatters in all directions and Paval drops back inside the car. The driver slams his foot down onto the accelerator and we shoot forward.

My hand is on the door handle. As soon as this car stops, I am out. I am going to find Jennifer.

The driver spins the car when he parks, using the bulletproof body of it as a shield for us to duck behind. The other two cars do the same as we arrive. Men pile out and press low to the ground.

The gunfire starts almost instantly.

I eye Paval, still gripping the rocket launcher.

“I won’t fire until she’s safe,” he assures me.

I nod.

One of our men drops to the ground.

This is no time to hesitate.

I run.

Bullets snap at my feet and whisper past my head.

I run.

I launch myself down the side of the property, my feet moving faster than I knew they could. My eyes are on the glass doors I see in the distance. I slam my body into them and glass shatters around me. I skid across a marble floor into the mansion.