I don’t have my own phone yet; Kiril said we can go this week and get one for me, which I am excited about, as I will be able to stay in contact with Lauren much more frequently. But that means that I can’t call Lauren ahead of time to let her know I am coming to see her today. I guess it is just going to have to be a surprise. I grin, running my hand over my swollen belly. A very big surprise. I have so much to tell her. She is going to be shocked to her core.

I am suddenly filled with excitement at the idea of seeing her after all this time. I am grinning wildly when I grab the keys for one of Kiril’s jeeps and rush out to the garage. The engine purrs to life.

I punch the address of our coffee shop into the navigation system. I chuckle to myself thinking that I still don’t actually know where I am in relation to everything else.

It is a forty-minute drive away. There is a lot of open road before I reach the city so it will be a lovely drive on a day like today.

I pull out of the garage and head down the ridiculously long driveway. Kiril’s property is so much bigger than I thought it was. I have only been walking around in his immediate garden area, apart from the time I found myself in the woods, but I don’t want to think about that.

I drive down the gravel path, past fields of grass and flowers and tall, old trees. It is absolutely beautiful out here.

I am stunned when I see a horse stable in the distance. I wonder if that is Kiril’s. He never mentioned horses. If it is, I am definitely going to learn how to ride after the little one is born.

After what feels like forever, I reach the end of the driveway and find myself in front of a massive gate.

I fumble through the keys in the car and press a few of the remote buttons. The gate begins to slide open. Yes. Perfect.

I pull out of Kiril’s property, turning right towards the city.

My heart flutters in my chest. I am going to see Lauren.

I flick the stereo on and shuffle through the songs until I find one I like. I am doing a very good job of distracting myself. Even though the anxious worry is still knotted in my stomach, I am also feeling good about my little adventure.

I tap my fingers on the steering wheel while I drive. The road is quite quiet and I can see why Kiril would have chosen to have his home all the way out here, given what he does. It is away from the crowd and easy to keep safe. You can spot someone approaching from miles away. I drive past only two cars in twenty minutes.

I am about five minutes from leaving the open road and into the city area when I see a car in the distance, driving towards me. They seem to be going a bit too fast, so I slow down. I have always been a defensive driver. I don’t like the idea of being in an accident.

The car crosses into my lane and I see another car close behind it, also headed in my direction. I furrow my brows. What is going on? I think I need to pull over or get out of the way. He is playing chicken, driving right in my lane, right towards me at a ridiculous speed.

I start to slow down, thinking that maybe he was just getting out of the way for the car behind him, but now instead of overtaking each other they are driving right next to each other and blocking the entire road.

I start to feel sick. Something isn’t right.

In a split second, I make up my mind. I slam on the brakes and pull off the road, getting ready to turn my car around. I have made a mistake and I need to go back home.

I don’t think I thought this through properly.

My wheels spin against the grass and churn up mud behind me. My car does not move. I am stuck in the dirt. The other cars are way too close now and they are still using both lanes.

My breathing becomes faster, heavier.

Everything suddenly begins to happen all at once.

I push the door open, wanting to run. Something is so very wrong. The hairs on my body are standing up and my skin is burning. I stand with my shoes in the mud, not sure which way to turn. I hold my breath; the cars are about to pass where I am parked.

I bolt to the left, back towards home. I just start running. I don’t even know why I am running. I just know I have to.

I hear tires scream against the road as the cars skid to a stop. One in front of me, one behind me. Both of them blocking me.

I spin around trying to find an escape.

Men flood from the vehicles screaming at each other and shouting at me not to move.

Someone grabs my arm, gripping me so tightly I feel like they are going to rip me apart. Someone else grabs my waist from behind and I push against his arm as it locks around my ribs above my swollen belly. I am lifted off my feet and despite kicking, screaming, punching, and biting, I am thrown into the back seat of one of the cars.

A bag is immediately thrown over my head and a panic attack grips every inch of my soul.

“Get the other car. Don’t leave it here.”