“Tony is pulling it out of the mud.”

“Let’s go. Golubev is waiting.”

“I can’t believe this bitch was out in the open again. She makes it so easy for us every time.”

“Well, there won’t be a next time.”

I become wild. Feral. Uncontrollable.

My baby. All I can think about is my baby.

I have to fight with every bit of every cell inside me.

“Fucking bitch.”

A fist slams into my face and the world spins beneath the hood.

Again. Then again. Then I feel myself slipping away. My body slumps forward and the world goes dark.


I feel myself being pulled and dragged. Then lifted.

“Fuck, she is quite pregnant.”

“Yeah, who cares?”

“It’s just a little sick, man. What’s going to happen to her.”

“What? You grew a conscious? Overnight?”

“Fuck off.”

“Just get her inside.”

I can see the light piercing through the hood. I am being carried in someone’s arms, cradled against their chest the same way that Kiril holds me when he carries me to bed.

My head is slumped back, hanging over this man’s arm. I don’t lift it. I don’t want them to know I am awake. I have to be smarter this time.

I know the moment we walk inside as the sun vanishes and my eyes take a moment to adjust to the dark. I can make out figures through the fabric of the hood.

“Is our guest resting?” A man chuckles. His voice is whiney and dull. I recognize it and it sends a nauseous wave through my stomach. He was at the container. He came many times, whenever they collected a new girl. He is a short, round man with a swollen face and pinched features.

I think he is Alexander Golubev.

“Yes, she put up a bit of a fight. Seems she was not that keen on coming to visit you. We had to calm her down a bit.”

“She is still alive, though, isn’t she? You idiots didn’t kill her, right?” He snarls.

“Just knocked her out. She’s alive.”

“Are you sure? I fucking need her alive.”

The man carrying me tosses me onto a hard surface and the impact knocks my breath out. I gasp. The hood is yanked from my head and I blink against the sudden vision.

Golubev is standing over me with the hood in his hands.

“See, alive. I told you.”