
“Nobody threatens a Dubrov. He just signed his own death warrant.”

Now that Paval knows what is going on, he is more on board than ever. I don’t know why I kept it from him. I know he is brutish with his mannerisms, quick to anger, aggressive, and too focused on the organization over everything else—but he is also my brother. My family. I can’t imagine why I thought he would react any differently.

At dinner that evening I update Jennifer on the fact that Paval is now rallying everyone in order to eradicate the threat.

“Tomorrow night, we’re going to make our move,” I tell her, still nervous about being so open about this side of my life, but also really enjoying not having to hide it anymore.

“Will you be safe?” she asks. “I’m just really worried that you’ll get hurt.”

“I will have all of my brothers right there with me, and of course our men. We’re going in full force. We’ll be safe.”

“Are you going to wear that jacket thingy again?”

“The Kevlar?” I chuckle. “Yes, I will wear the Kevlar.”

“And—how? I mean, what is going to happen?”

“We’re still piecing together the smaller details, but basically, we’re going to ambush them. Alexander has his base set up at the docks, on the other side of the water from where our shipments are situated. We will arrive in the afternoon, when he is definitely going to be there, and surround his warehouse. His men will all be inside with him, so as long as we cover all of the exits and make sure we’re heavily armed, he won’t stand a chance.”

“Do you outnumber him?”


“Okay.” She looks down at her plate, moving her food around.

I reach out and rest my hand over hers. “It will all be over tomorrow night, little rabbit. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Kiril, I wanted to ask you if I could see Lauren. It’s been so long. She’s my best friend and I want to tell her what’s been going on with me. I don’t want to hide things from her. Especially the fact that we’re having a baby. She’s going to be a part of this child’s life.”

“I understand. Of course, you would want to tell her. I just need you to be safe for now and tomorrow we can make a plan, alright? My men are still guarding her. She is in no danger. When this is over, we can pull the men away and stop worrying about all of it.”

“So, you don’t mind, then? If I go out?”

“I don’t mind, as long as you’re with my men.”

She smiles happily. I want to give her freedom and let her live her life. I don’t want to smother her with my overprotectiveness unless it is really necessary, which it has been. But once tomorrow night comes it is all going to change, and she can move about as freely as she wishes to.

After dinner, I have a conference call with my brothers. The plan is set. Tomorrow at eleven in the morning we are going to launch our attack.

I climb into bed beside Jennifer and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close against me. She snuggles into the curve of my body and even though I am fully focused on what has to happen tomorrow, everything feels perfect in this moment.


We drive in a convoy towards the dock. Three back SUVs carry our team. My brothers and I are split between the cars, each managing our own group of men. We are dressed head to toe in black combat gear and heavily armed. This is not the time for small handguns and simple vests. This is war.

As soon as we drive onto Alexander’s property, we know we have to move quickly. He has surveillance and we cannot give him a chance to react.

The tires grind to a halt, spinning dust up around us as we pile out, weapons in hand and barking orders.

Our detonation team runs forward, skimming the edges of the warehouse. Moving quickly, they press explosives against the locks securing the doors, and run back towards us to take cover.

I hear an alarm sound from inside the building and shouting as Golubev’s men spring into action.

“Detonate!” Fyodor yells.

A deafening blast punches through the air. Metal shards fly off the building walls and dust clouds our vision.