“Go, go, go!” Paval shouts.

The men filter out in formation around us, darting towards the warehouse, pressing close against the walls and covering all the exits.

I run forward, gripping my rifle tightly against my shoulder, aiming into the cloud of dust.

A body emerges, running through the open space where the door was. I fire and an explosion of red splatters the air behind him. He slumps to the ground.

In perfect formation, my men begin to swarm into the building. Gunshots shatter in every direction. I heard the thuds of bullets hitting bodies and I stay low as I scout the space to try and find Golubev.

I can see Maxim and his team entering the back of the building. Paval is to my left and Fyodor and his team are to my right. There is nowhere for Golubev to escape.

“He’s in the office!” Fyodor shouts above the commotion.

“I’m on it!” I yell back.

I rush forward, shooting my way through the men who stand between me and my target. I reach the base of a steel stairway and spot Golubev’s swollen face two flights above me, staring down at me in horror. He fires two shots from his handgun and they ricochet off the railing of the stairs. I leap onto the stairs and rush up them. Someone grabs his arm and pulls him back into his office.

I hear a deafening sound from inside his office. What the fuck? Is it a chopper?

One more flight to go.

I push harder, needing to reach him. Needing to end this. One of Golubev’s men stands outside his office and begins to fire an automatic weapon in my direction. I roll across the stairs and slam into the railing to dodge the shower of bullets.

Laying on the stairway I fire upwards. His foot explodes and he falls to the ground screaming. As he lands, I put a bullet straight through his skull.

I am back on my feet before his blood begins to ooze across the steps. I rush into Golubev’s office and my heart sinks. He has climbed through the window into a waiting helicopter that is already lifting into the air. I fire upwards out the window, hoping to hit it, but my bullets ping off its metal sides.

Fuck. No.

We have to follow him.

I bolt back down the stairs, shouting across the chaos to my brothers.

“Get to the cars. He’s in the air.”

“Go, pull back,” Fyodor shouts to our men. “Cover us.”

We filter out of the warehouse as gunshots continue to echo. My brothers and I pile into one car and the driver accelerates out of the docks.

Our men will make their own way out. We have to figure out where Golubev is going.

“He only has two other landing pads in the area,” Paval says.

“Yes, so which one will he go to?” Fyodor pulls out his phone to survey the maps.

“He won’t go home,” I say. “He’s going to head to the one in Alcan Grove.”

“Why that one?” Fyodor asks.

“It’s more protected.”

“Then that is where we will go.”

Chapter 21 - Jennifer

Kiril has just left the house and I am frozen in the doorway. He was dressed head to toe in combat gear when his brothers arrived to pick him up. He looked extremely menacing, and actually, if I am willing to admit it, through all my worry, he looked so freaking sexy. I wanted to drag him into the bedroom and have my way with him before allowing him to leave.

The gear was clearly custom-made for his body. It hugged him and was strapped tightly to his muscular form. He was wearing head-to-toe pitch-black heavy-duty material. He had handguns strapped to his chest, spare clips along the belt around his waist, and his rifle strong across his shoulder.