I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them, I know I desperately need to tell someone what is bothering me, and I really like Darya. She has such a gentle way about her.

“The other day, um, I wasn’t feeling well and Kiril had the doctor come over. He did a full checkup and he told me I was pregnant.” I pause for a moment. She looks at me with patient eyes. “It’s Kiril’s baby. Anyway. Um. So, he told me I was pregnant, and I freaked out. But what is making me worry is not just the pregnancy. It was the way Kiril reacted. The way he is still reacting about it. He was so calm. He wasn’t bothered even one small bit. He didn’t even look shocked or worried or surprised.”

“His reaction bothers you. Did you want him to be worried about it?”

“No, it’s not that. I have this bad feeling—it might sound completely crazy—I have a feeling that he had the doctor fake my results.”

“Why would he want to make you think you are pregnant if you aren’t?”

“So that I can’t leave? So that he has another reason to keep me here?”

“Right. I see.”

She sits quietly for a moment.

“Have you been feeling sick or anything?” she asks.

I nod.

“And that isn’t making you feel reassured that it is real?”

“No, because I know what stress does to someone, and after everything that happened—my body might just be stressed or the trauma of it all could be affecting me.”

“I guess you’re right about that. Stress is horrible and can wreak havoc on your system.”

“I don’t know what to do.” I feel like crying, but I try to fight back the tears. Despite my best efforts, they fall down my cheeks.

Darya leans over and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Oh, sweetie, I know what to do, okay? If you want to know for real, if you need the answers, I will shoot down to the pharmacy and get a test for you. One that the doctor has nothing to do with. You can do your own test without Kiril knowing. That way you know he hasn’t interfered. Will that help?”

I wipe my tears away. “Yes, actually, that would definitely help.”

“Alright, I’m going to shoot to the pharmacy quickly. But, Jenn, please—I am begging you—don’t do anything stupid while I’m away. My brother will tear me apart. I have never seen him so protective over a girl before; he has always been protective over his family, but never anyone else. Please.”

“I won’t do anything. I need to know the truth. I know you’re taking a risk just by helping me and I really appreciate it.”

I mean that. Plus, after trying to escape last time, and running straight into those men, I am too scared to do the same thing. I just want to know if Kiril is playing games with me. I need to know the truth.

“I will be right back.” Darya jumps up.

While she is gone, I stay out on the pool deck. It feels so nice to be outside. The guards are nearby and keeping a close, watchful eye on me, so even if I wanted to make a run for it, it would be impossible. I don’t want to, anyway. I rest my hand on my belly again. I want to know.

It does not take long at all before Darya steps back out onto the pool deck carrying a brown pharmacy packet. I stand up right away. She hands me the bag. “Do you want me to come with you?” she asks.

“Yes, please.”

She follows me through to my room and I go into the bathroom with the door slightly open. She sits on my bed, chatting about random things. I suppose she is doing it to keep me calm.

I open the bag and see she has purchased three different tests. I smile. It is nice to have a girl around; they just know things.

Once I have peed on all of the sticks, I click the caps back on them and place them onto the basin countertop.

Darya sees me moving around in the bathroom and comes inside, sitting on the edge of the bath to wait with me. She is quiet now; her foot is tapping nervously.

“I just want you to know, before the results come out, that I know my brother,” she tells me. “Kiril can be overbearing and overprotective and very annoying, but I do believe those tests will all be positive. He is not the kind of person to be manipulative like that. I really don’t believe he would ever have the doc fake a pregnancy just to keep you here—although I know love makes people do crazy things.”


She shrugs. “I just wanted you to know that the person I know my brother to be wouldn’t do that to you. But I do understand what you’ve been through, and I understand your need to know for yourself.”