“Will you tell Kiril?”
“No. I won’t tell him. But maybe you should? It might be good for you to talk about your concerns with him instead of keeping them all bottled up inside you.”
She is probably right, but I didn’t want to bring this up with him.
I stare down at the three tests.
She comes to stand next to me and looks down at them as well.
I am definitely pregnant. There is no doubt. Every single one of the tests has two thick red lines. Pregnant. I can’t deny it anymore.
My hand settles over my belly again and I take a sharp breath. Darya wraps me in her arms and hugs me tightly. “I think we need another tea,” she says. “I would suggest something stronger, but I guess that’s not allowed.” When she pulls away to look at me, she is smiling.
“Come on, Jenn.” She takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.
I lean on the counter with thoughts rushing wildly in my mind. She can see I am processing things, and she works in silence to give me the time I need to accept the information I have just discovered. Kiril was not tricking me. I am really pregnant.
How will this affect my plans?
What is going to happen now?
I still want to escape, but the risk has just gone up by an entire extra life. My baby. What would those evil psychopaths do if they found out I was pregnant? My baby would be in danger. They would not leave it alone. They would be more determined to use me against Kiril.
“Here you go.” She slides the cup of tea onto the counter next to me and then lifts herself up to sit on the edge. She sips her tea and watches me.
“Jenn, are you doing alright?”
I turn my gaze towards her and bite at my bottom lip. “In the bathroom, earlier, you said—love.”
She smiles. “I did.”
“What did you mean? Why did you use that word?”
“I kind of told you earlier, and I really meant it too. I have never seen my brother so protective over a girl before. The way he looks at you and hovers around you. That is his language. His way of trying to tell you something. I know you feel smothered by it, probably want to yell at him for it, maybe you even want to run away—I don’t know—but I think that the reason he’s behaving that way is because of how he feels about you. I have known him my whole life, so I can read him well enough. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. He wants to protect you. And now that you’re pregnant, he will want to protect you even more.”
“Do you think he loves me?”
“Do you want him to love you?”
I don’t know how to answer that. I have not really properly considered it.
“Jenn, I think what’s important for you right now is to know that Kiril will take care of you and your baby. You will have everything you need. You do not have to worry about that at all. Whatever is going on in your heart with regards to my brother, you can figure out in your own time. Don’t put pressure on yourself or try and force things. These types of things are definitely not meant to be forced. My brother doesn’t always understand that, and he can be frustrating to deal with, but his actions towards you are out of genuine care. So, just take a breath, let go of that heavy feeling in your heart, and let your body figure it out for itself.”
“Darya?” Kiril’s voice drifts in from the entrance foyer.
My heart leaps into my throat as my eyes connect with Darya’s. Will she tell him? Have I made a big mistake by sharing my thoughts with her? She squeezes my arm and whispers, “It’ll be okay. I’m not going to say anything.”
She turns and shouts towards her brother, “Kiril, we’re in the kitchen.”
We hear him walking through the house towards us. He steps into the kitchen and eyes us both. “This looks cozy. Did you girls have a good time?” But his voice is tight and clipped. His eyes are locked on me.
He does not smile.
“We had a great time,” Darya chirps, sliding off the countertop. “But I won’t be staying for dinner. I completely forgot that I made arrangements to meet some friends in town. I will be rescheduling though, Kiril. I do miss you.” She grins and hugs him.
“Alright, sorry you could not stay,” he replies, without looking away from me. I begin to shrink back against the counter nervously. Why is he looking at me like that?
Chapter 14 - Kiril