With the dryer set, she turned to him with wary green eyes. “Did that story turn you off Sadiq? You can tell me if it did.”

Pulling her into his arms and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Sadiq knew he would help her slay any demons she had. If she would let him. Then another thought occurred to him, he wouldn’t give her the option. She was his and he was hers, they would slay their demons together. “Hell no. It upset me that someone would be so careless with your heart and your safety. He should have been protecting you, not putting you at risk.”

She nodded. “And that was my other clue that he wasn’t the guy for me. I looked out for him, you know? But he never returned the favor.”

He smiled down at her. “So what you’re saying is that your heart is free and clear for someone else to claim?”

She smiled up at him and it was a smile that told a man that he was cared for. Loved. “So it would seem. Why, are you putting in an application Sadiq?”

His head shook side to side. “No sweetheart. You have my heart and I’m telling you now that I aim to have yours.”


You have my heart.Abby still felt stunned that Sadiq had said those words to her, and that he meant it. “But I’m just me.” It wasn’t the smoothest reply she pictured herself making when a guy told her she had his heart.

His lips curled up and he chuckled. “I’m just me too.”

How could a man like him fall for a plain old biologist like her? It didn’t make sense. “I don’t know what to say Sadiq. That’s so…big.”

A frown marred his handsome face and she trailed a finger between the dip bisecting his brows to smooth it away. “Is that a nice way of telling me that you don’t feel the same? I’m a big boy, I can’t handle it.”

He was a big boy everywhere, she smiled to herself at the thought. Pulling in a fortifying breath, Abby knew she had to be honest with him about her feelings. This, he, was too important to play it scared. “I’m falling for you too Sadiq, but its hard to believe you feel the same way. You’re handsome and cultured, so far out of my league even I’m wondering what’s wrong with you to aim so low. And on top of all that you’re loaded. With servants loaded. And I teach biology to high school students.” His face was a wall of indecipherable emotions so she kept going. In for a penny, she thought and spoke again. “Would our worlds even fit together? Or would I embarrass you and you’d grow to resent me?”

A loud, incessant beeping broke the moment and he turned towards the driver. “Let’s finish this talk at the resort.”

The ride to the resort was silent. She imagined he was as lost in his thoughts as she was in her own. She knew Shelly would tell her she was being ridiculous, that Sadiq was a smart man to snap up such a great catch, but Abby also knew her best friend was biased. She sighed and gave herself a mental pep talk. You can either talk yourself out of being with this really great guy or you can roll with it. See where it goes. Handsome and rich and cultured doesn’t mean he’s too good for you.

They held hands and walked in silence to the back end of the resort where the bungalows were located. “You want to come in and we can finish this?”

He nodded and followed her in. “I don’t like that you think this way about yourself Abigail. You’re wonderful, the most interesting woman I’ve ever met. You’re smart and your heart is good, your laugh warms my heart and the way you come apart in my arms is downright enchanting. My wealth, my place in this world means nothing without someone to share it with. I think that someone is you.”

She swallowed, ignoring the tears that streaked down her cheeks. “Sadiq I can’t do this if it can’t mean something more than a summer fling. I won’t give my heart to you for you to walk away and leave me for something better. Someone better.” She sounded needy and clingy and she knew it, but just because she wasn’t sad over Charles didn’t take the sting out of his betrayal. At the end of the day she hadn’t been enough for a guy like Charles so what hope did she have of being enough for a man like Sadiq?

He moved in closer, spearing his fingers through her hair and tilting her head back so she was looking right at him. “Don’t you know Abby, there is no one better.”

Yep, I am in way over my head with this man.She didn’t know how to respond to that, no one had ever expressed that sentiment about her before so she did the only thing she could do. She kissed him, pouring everything she felt about him into that kiss.

She hoped for now, it was enough.