Chapter 6

Today was the day Sadiq had decided after a long restless night. This was the day he would tell Abby the whole truth of his identity. Now that he knew her feelings were genuine, he felt confident that she could handle the news which he knew would be a shock. He was surprised she hadn’t at least done a quick internet search of him, but he felt humbled that his word was enough for her.

So he’d planned a special day for them. One that would show her just how he felt and how much their worlds would mesh. He understood her concerns but he wanted to show her that nothing mattered but her. Whatever issues they faced, they would do so together. If she didn’t fit in then neither did he.

With a bounce in his step, Sadiq carried his bag to Abby’s bungalow. Wrapped in nothing but a sheer sarong over her bright yellow bikini, she was brighter than the early morning sun. “Good morning, Handsome.”

A man could get used to a greeting like that. “Good morning to you, Beautiful.” Her long lashes fanned her cheeks with her slow, owlish blinks as though she couldn’t believe he was talking to her. “You smell divine.”

She laughed and pressed her body closer into his. “So do you,” she whispered as she nuzzled his neck. “So where are we off to?”

“That is the surprise,” he kissed the tip of her nose, using his mouth to distract her along the way to the docked ship. “You’re dressed perfectly for our day together.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off her especially since that sarong really only drew his attention to her delicious curves.

“Whale watching?” Wide green eyes rounded in surprise. “Seriously?”

He nodded and she flung herself on his lap and pressed a heated kiss to his mouth. “You’re so gorgeous when you smile like that.” She sucked in a breath at his words and squeezed him in a hug he felt down to his soul.

“You are some kind of special Sadiq.” She sat beside him on the bench as the boat coasted on the water a full fifteen minutes before they slowed down near a pod of whales. “This is going to be incredible!”

He thought so too if the way her face lit up brighter than the sun was any indication. They had the boat to themselves for the day so aside from the crew they were all alone. Standing he reached for her and wrapped his arms around her while they both watched the ocean, waiting for the whales to make their appearance. It was glorious. It was soothing.

It was heaven.

They sunbathed in companionable silence, laughed and cuddled while watching a family of whales fly through the air, showing off for their human audience. The sun slipped further down the sky and he could see a few white hats bobbing up and down below deck. He was out of time. “Let’s sit Abby so we can talk.”

“Uh, okay,” she dropped his hand and looked up at him, her emerald gaze wary. “What’s up?”

He poured champagne into two flutes and handed her one. “I woke up this morning and you were the first thing on my mind. After our talk last night I knew there were a few things we needed to talk about.”

Swallowing the champagne with some effort she nodded. “Okay. What things?”

He hated that she was so ready for him to drop her for someone else. “Things like the fact that I’m in love with you and there is no one better for me.” Her smile spread slowly but it lit up her face magnificently against the setting sun.

Abby’s smile stayed in place but her words were serious. “And?”

He laughed because after seven or eight weeks together she knew him well. “And there is something else I need to tell you but I’m worried it will change how you see me and Abby it would break my heart if this took you away from me.”

She smiled, running a gentle hand along the length of his arm. “I’m still standing right here Sadiq.”

That’s right she was. He smiled, “Believe me, I noticed.” Stepping close, maybe too close, he needed to feel her, to taste her before everything potentially changed. Cupping her face he tilted her up so he could look into those deep eyes that saw more than another person ever had. Then his mouth was on hers and he was certain she was his just as he was hers. He teased her until she moaned, tasted her until she clung to him and begged for more. “I love you Abby, of that I am certain. But before you can be certain you need to know something important about me.”

“You’re married?”

“Not yet. I’m still trying to get her to tell me she loves me.” That earned him a smile. “No but I am a prince and soon, I will be Sheikh.”

Abby’s laugh was the sweetest sound but he knew it would be short-lived. And it was. “Wait, are you serious? You’re a…Sheikh? The Sheikh…of a whole country?” He nodded and watched all the blood drain from her face. “But how?”

“My father is suffering from a multitude of age related illnesses. None of them are life threatening but combined they can make the business of running a country somewhat daunting.”

“So you were here, what, looking for a wife?” She shook her head, getting agitated with where her mind was taking her.

“Absolutely not. This was merely a vacation before I have to take the throne. You, Abby, were the most unexpected the most welcome of all surprises.”

“I…I don’t know what to say.” Her gaze turned up to him filled with confusion and hurt, and he’d done that.

The boat finally docked after a delicious yet long meal filled with tension and uncertainty. Sadiq helped her down and kept his hand wrapped in hers. “I know it’s a lot to take in Abby and I’m sorry but I hope you understand why I couldn’t tell you before now.”

She nodded. “Of course I do. But I’d just gotten used to how wealthy you are and your whole lifestyle. I spent the night after you left thinking about how we could have a future together and now, you’re a King.”