“But Abby we’re,” his words were cut off by her sliding down his length, pulling an echoing groan from him. “Abby please.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do,” she panted, feeling terrified and invigorated at doing something so wild, “please us both.” So out of character. But his reactions only drove her on and in an embarrassingly short period of time they were both breathing hard and utterly satisfied. “I guess we both kind of like outdoor sex,” she laughed.

“Who knew?” His smile came lazy and sated as he held her in place, her body still pulsing around him. “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

She nodded. Her plan was to make him happy forever, to keep him satisfied and occasionally spontaneous. And yes, a little bit of crazy never hurt. “You’ve changed my life Sadiq with your love. I plan to spend my life showing you what that’s like.”

Brushing a feather light kiss over her neck until she shivered, he looked at her with so much love in his eyes she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I already know and that’s thanks to you. I told you Abby that it was you who made me love the life that’s ahead for us.”

His smile was contagious so she kissed him. Again. “I have another surprise so we should head back to the resort.”

He laughed. “Am I going to survive another of your surprises?”

She joined him. “That wasn’t the surprise that was just me, unable to help myself.”

He gave her another long, hot kiss that had her rethinking their evening plans in favor of more of his loving. His body. When he pulled back she found herself pouting. “Come on woman, I want my surprise.” He winked and she rolled her eyes.

“I’ve created a monster.” She tossed her head back, still laughing as she stepped from the springs. “We’ll get there in plenty of time Mr. Impatient.” The sun was setting behind them, further heating her already overheated body and she slowed down. Enjoying their last night in paradise, remembering how well this place had treated them. She’d been looking forward to an adventure this summer but she never could have imagined this. Him.

Her fears about her ability to be Sheikha to his Sheikh were real and stronger than ever. But knowing he loved her meant she would do her best. Her absolute best to be the woman he needed by his side. “That’s entirely too much thinking going on when we should be soaking up this beauty.”

She sighed when his arms circled her from behind. “Just giving myself a pep talk.”

“For your surprise?” Bemusement rang in his voice pulling a smile across her face.

“No, for our future. Reminding myself that I can do it, be the woman you need.”

“You already are the woman I need. I want.” He kissed her neck. “I desire,” he kissed the other side of her neck. “I love.” He nibbled her ear. She shivered.

“Then I have no worries.”

The ride back to the bungalow was faster than she’d expected and for some strange reason she was nervous. It was just dinner. An incredibly romantic dinner for the man she loved. No big deal. She smiled. “Are you ready? Do you think we burned enough calories today?”

“I think by morning we’ll have burned and replenished plenty.”

Okay then.She smiled and pushed the door open, gasping at how well they’d executed her plans. The bungalow was dim, lit inside by faux candles and filled with fragrant flowers. “Follow me,” she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the sitting room and the kitchenette until they were on the back deck. “Here we are.” She turned and what she saw stunned her.

Sadiq’s eyes were dark, like inky black dark and so full of desire she sucked in a breath. “You did all this for me?”

She nodded, heart bumping against her chest in anticipation. “I wanted to make our last night special with romance and flowers, food.”

“Sex,” he growled.

“That too.” The laugh bubbled up out of her. “So let’s eat.” A long table, piled high with a variety of local dishes, had been set beside a smaller table set for two.

“This looks and smells incredible.” His stomach growled and they shared a laugh, shedding the serious mood the evening had taken. “I can’t,” he groaned and she froze, looking at him over her shoulder.

“You can’t what?” She took a deep breath reminding herself, in for four and out for eight. Make it ten.

“I can’t wait. I was going to wait until you were in Kaza’ah to do this but tonight and today were both perfect. Absolutely perfect.” He stepped closer, spearing his fingers in her hair and tilting her so her only choice was to stare into those liquid chocolate eyes she often got lost in. “This,” he paused and reached inside his pocket smiling when he found what he was looking for. “This ring belonged to my great-great grandmother who recently died. Her husband fell ill very early into his reign and it is widely believed, at least by Kaza’ah historians and housewives all over the country, that she was the true decision maker for most of his thirty-two years on the throne. She was strong and beautiful, smart as hell and soft. Feminine. A total badass. Just like you.”

She felt the stinging behind her eyes, the tears welling up but she fought them because she needed a clear head and clear eyes for what was happening. But it was impossible because this man saw her like no one else in her life had. He saw a badass.

“That’s why I knew when I asked you to be my wife it had to be with this ring.”

He held it up and she sucked in a breath. It was, “Gorgeous.” The band was gold, holding a daisy complete with emerald and amethyst petals and a big—very big—diamond head. “Completely stunning.”

“It arrived just a few days ago.” He smiled at her question. “I told my mother all about you each time we spoke and her and Nisha must have been talking because this came by royal carrier.” He dropped down on one knee and held her hand. “Abby my love, will you be my wife and my partner in the crazy life we’ll have both inside and outside the palace walls?”

Abby smiled nodding her head so fast she began to get dizzy. Or maybe that was just her, “Yes!” fiancée. “Yes. Hell yes! I will be right at your side every step of the way. Whatever you need. Forever.” She knew they would make it forever because it’s just who they were. They loved fast and hard.

And forever.