“Where was this ambition five hours ago?”
“I was busy.”
“Ahuh.” She shook her head as she headed for her kitchenette. I followed her and stopped at the island. “So, I take it Jenelle passed along my message.”
“She did.” I felt my phone ring.
“Did you correct her on my name?” She glared over her shoulder.
“I did.” I’d known what game Jenelle had been playing, and so did Kenna, apparently. “So, what’s this about a contract?”
“Seriously?” She slammed the mug down on the counter and her eyes flashed with that fire that never seemed far away. “You didn’t speak to Leo, your father, Cameron, or, I don’t know, fucking Knox?”
“No.” I heated at her tone. “Tell me what’s going on,” I demanded.
“Leo asked me to entertain Tom Harris last night. For you, apparently.”
“What?” This was the first time I’d heard of it.
“So, I did. We had a great night, by the way, and he would have signed up for Secrets.”
“What?” All this happened last night? “What do you mean, would have? Where’s the contract?”
“All business now, aren’t you? And that should be my question.” Those eyes flashed fire again then she poured herself some coffee, grabbed another mug, and poured me one.
“Leo would never ask you to try to hook a client without the paperwork in hand.”
“No, he wouldn’t.” She tapped my hip, and I moved so she could open the fridge for some cream. “Knox dropped the ball.” I felt a harsh blast of heat run up by back. “After countless calls to him, I gave up and called everyone else I could think of to find him. I finally called Jim. Shit, I even called Cameron but got nothing.” She rubbed her face. “That’s when I called you and got her.”
“I’d stepped out to speak with Jesse privately. That’s when she answered my phone.”
“So, not in the shower like she claimed.” It wasn’t a question, and she twisted her lips, annoyed. “Grim, not one person picked up. I may have lost that deal, and I don’t lose deals.” I could hear the raw anger in her voice. “Fucking Knox was probably at Minnie’s again.”
“Does he go to Minnie’s a lot?” I knew Knox was young and wild, but he had a job to do, and it should always come first. I was going to fucking tie his nuts in a bow when I saw him next.
“Almost every damn day,” she huffed.
“Seems I have a lot to learn about my little brother’s comings and goings.”
“Harris met with Melvern Trident the night before,” she added as she handed me a mug.
“How’d that go?”
“How you’d expect, but still I had my shot and let him walk away.”
“I’ll deal with Knox.”
“Maybe he just shouldn’t be put in charge of that stuff.” She wrinkled her nose at the coffee and reached to lift the cover on the sugar bowl, but it was empty.
“Don’t tell me how to run my business, Kenna,” I warned, and she slammed her mug down on the counter.
Her anger flared again. “Fuck you.”
I grabbed her around the waist and slammed my lips over hers. Her skin was warm and smooth, and her body vibrated with anger. I lost all self-control. My hand grabbed her breast through her silky top, and I sucked hard on my favorite spot on her neck. She bit my shoulder then drew her head back to look up at me.
“Did you sleep with her last night?” She leaned in and licked the side of my jaw.
“No.” I rolled her nipple between my fingers, and she huffed in my ear, driving me wild.