Page 101 of Grim

“Of course.” She was wise enough to back off. “I was just curious.” She pretended to flick a bit of lint off her knee as she took a sip of her drink. Then she got up and moved to where I sat on the couch and slid onto my lap.

Her weight felt good on my erection.

“I was just thinking,” she rubbed her hand under my open dress shirt, “that now you’re back and I’m setting down roots in this city, maybe we could set some together?” I went still and covered her hand to stop its movement.


“I know you’re scared of commitment, Grim,” she interrupted and placed a finger against my lips. “It’s a lot, I know, and we can take it slow. I just wonder when you’re going to see we’d be perfect together.” She removed her finger and nodded at me as if to say I could now speak.

The fuck? I removed the hand she’s placed on my chest, and she scowled.

“I don’t do relationships.” I stood, and she slid off my lap and had to catch herself from stumbling.

“You’re thirty, Grim. Life doesn’t go backward.”

“I’m not looking for a wife right now, Jenelle. I have too much going on.”

“All I’m saying is, I’m already in your world, I know how the business works, you wouldn’t have to worry about explanations when you disappear occasionally. I’d get it.” She moved in front of me. “If you’d just let me in a little, I can be there for you.”

Like a leech on your skin, I could hear Leo snicker as if he were here.

She reached up to kiss me, but I grabbed her hands and stopped her.

“Okay, fine, moving on.” She smiled and stepped back. I was glad she didn’t push further.

“So, what color tie are you wearing so I can match?”

“Match? What are you talking about?”

“The charity fundraiser, silly.” She rolled her eyes when I didn’t follow. “If you’re wearing purple and I show up in yellow, I would die. So, what color?”

“Fuck,” slipped through my lips. There was no way I could say I wasn’t going. I’d asked her ages ago, and it was my family’s organization that always hosted it. “Red,” I grunted.

“Perfect. I have a gorgeous yellow dress that would pair perfectly.”

“Great,” I’d cringed at the color she chose and forced myself not to kick her out the door.

I blinked away the memory and dropped to the floor as my arms burned and my lungs heaved. I rolled onto my stomach and wondered if I’d passed two hundred push-ups. I glanced at the time on the wall and hopped to my feet.

I’d been patient enough.

* * *

I wasn’t normally a fan of white furniture. It was too bright for my liking, but this chair wasn’t too bad. It matched the white and gold of the rest of the place. The polar opposite of mine, which wasn’t lost on me. It was very clean, classy, and modern, but also lacked personality. Why wasn’t I surprised?

I checked my emails then looked up when I heard footsteps from the other room. I went back to my emails until I heard her jump.

“Fuck, Grim!” Kenna’s hand flew to her chest. “What if I had a gun?” I lifted an amused eyebrow and studied her choice of sleepwear. A tiny black silk tank clung to her curves with matching cheeky panties.

Down, boy, I whispered internally to my erection.

“What are you doing here, in my living room?”

“You wouldn’t answer my calls.” I gave a light shrug.

“Do you do this to all your employees when they don’t answer you right away?”

“No, because they know better.” I hit send on my email and looked over. “You, on the other hand, insist on pushing all my buttons, so rather than chase you around the hotel today, I thought I’d come here.”