Page 9 of Alpha

“You sure about that?” I glanced at him.

“I am.” He shook his head. “You’ve hidden yourself away in Afghanistan for nearly a decade, then you finally return to the States for good, and a few days into it, you disappear to the mountains.”

“You act like I’m running.”

“Are you?” I could feel his eyes burn into my head.

“No.” I let out a puff of air as my emotions rose to the surface. “I just don’t do family well.”

“Does Ivy know that?” I wavered in my step, and he smirked. “Your sister. She tried to dig to find out what I knew.”


“Why’s my life so damn interesting to everyone?”

“Because it’s a mystery to those who love you.” He gave me a hip check as he grinned.

“Apparently.” I held my hand up to stop a car as we entered a crosswalk. We made a beeline for the bar and waded through the crowd outside.

The bar was just getting busy when we got inside. We found a table in the back and nodded at a few others we’d seen at the funeral. One waved us to come over, but when I shook my head, his friend motioned at him to give us space.

A few beers in, and I finally relaxed a bit. A young woman strummed a guitar and sang quietly. I recognized an old Dean Martin song.

I wanted to change the subject so we could get off the topic of me.

“You sign the paperwork yet?”

“I sent them back over to Frank last night.” Moore grinned around his bottle. “Sounds like I’ll be there before you know it.”

“Good.” I rubbed my head, thankful I was about to have someone to watch my back.

“Now that I’ve signed everything, care to share a bit about the house? Or maybe about any lady interests?” He held my gaze for a moment, and I knew he and my fucking sister had a longer conversation than I had realized.

“Fuck.” I muttered, and he laughed at my expense.

“What does Demi think of your new girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I hesitated, “but she’s something,” I admitted. “As for Demi,” I shrugged, “you know perfectly well we were just friends with benefits. It suited us both.”

“Right, but apparently, she not only showed up for dinner in Montana with your family, but also it seems she’s here. Nice job slipping past her, by the way.” He lifted his beer mug and clicked mine.

“I didn’t—” I paused and remembered who I was talking to. “It didn’t feel great.”

“Because you’re not an ass.” He took sympathy on me. “But in all seriousness, if you want to be with someone else, just tell Demi. Because she’s obviously past the friends with benefits thing and has got you in her sights.”

“I know.” I rubbed my face again.

“So, tell me.” His mood lightened, and I knew he was trying to keep the topic light for both of us. “Are there any hot chicks at the house?”

“They’re all hot, but they’re also all married with kids.”

“You mean all but Ivy?” I rolled my eyes and tried not to let my mind go back to the funeral. “Give me something here, Ty. What’s Ivy like?”

“Why do you care?” I smirked.

“I’ve known you since grade school, and I know your reputation with the ladies, my friend. I know you always date for a while then break up with them as soon as they want something more from you.”

“That was high school.”