Page 8 of Alpha

“Prep me for what?”

“For the fact that Demi’s here, and I’m sure she’ll want to spend the night with you.”

“What?” I didn’t need any more stress, and I could feel my anger build.

“She doesn’t take no very easily, Ty.”

“Fuck me.”

“Look, Mom and Dad found a cute little spot to rent in Redstone. I tried to talk them out of it, but…they want more of you. They get me all the time.” She chuckled then leaned in and hugged me. “I know you have a lot going on, but please do me a favor and make a little time for them.” She waited for me to answer.

I gave a quick nod, and she got tight-lipped but seemed satisfied with that. She pulled her coat tight around her as she walked away.

I caught Moore’s eye, and he said goodbye to someone and started toward me, but before he could reach me, Brown’s mother suddenly appeared. Her face was that of a woman who was utterly broken inside. Her weathered eyes and worn-out stance told me I needed to make things right with her.

“Mrs. Brown,” I cleared my throat, “I’m…” My words got tangled, and all I could see was my best friend looking back at me through her glossy gaze. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t bring him home.”

She went to open her mouth, but her husband appeared and took her arm. He stuck a finger in my face.

“I’ve been hearin’ things, Ty.” His chin quivered. “Is it true you were there when our son died?” I nodded slowly. “That the man who shot him was under your command? Did you see what happened? Do you know the truth?”

“Yes.” I nodded again.

“And?” he nearly shouted.

“It’s my word against his.” I swallowed.

“But you were the captain. Shouldn’t that count for something?”

“He’s got a buddy giving him an alibi.” I clenched my fists.

“I heard you got a promotion.” He glared at me in sudden fury, and I could see spit in the corner of his mouth. “I would hate to think you got promoted so you’d help cover up my son’s death.”

“Stop,” his wife whispered and put a hand on his arm. He’d gone too far, and she knew it. His words cut deep. “They were friends. Roger, you know Ty would never—”

“Brown was my best friend.” I cut her off and spoke through clenched teeth. “I tried everything to stop what happened. I gave my statement when I got back here, and he gave his. I’m trying to find a way to prove it, and I haven’t given up. I won’t.”

“I don’t care what you have to do.” He stepped closer, and I raised my chin. “If that filth doesn’t pay for what he did, I’ll put a bullet in his skull myself.” His body shook. “He was your brother. Do something, for Christ’s sake!”

Our loud voices had begun to attract attention, and Mrs. Brown tugged her husband’s arm.

“We need to go, Roger.” She glanced at me. “Make this right, Ty. Only you can.”

They turned and left me there. My fists vibrated at my sides as I stood there filled with remorse. I could only imagine what they thought now that they knew. They thought I’d stood there and let my friend be killed while I did nothing.

“Jesus,” Moore muttered, “that was harsh.”

“No,” I shook my head, “they’re not wrong. I was the only one there. I’m the only one who can make this right.”

“Come on,” Moore pointed with his head, “let’s go get a drink. It’s close. We can walk.”

I nodded and walked with him. As we got close to the street, I saw Shelly, who waved me off. She’d gone to run interference for me with Demi. I gave a little wave and veered right. Moore caught on quickly and followed.

“I heard your mom talking to your dad about renting a place in Redstone.” Moore tried to fill the silence and stop the loop that plagued both our heads.

“That’s what I hear.”

“That’ll be nice,” he mumbled. “It wouldn’t hurt to have your family close.”