Page 91 of Live, Love, Spy

Kenzie and Parker stood on the edge of that crowd with theirbabysitters close by. They passed by the lounge where Lucas was obviouslytelling Seth Taggart the story of how TJ had tried to kill him, which earned hima thumbs-up from Seth before he went back to staring at the woman sitting atthe bar. Gabriel’s sister, Chloe.

So much sexual tension, and he didn’t care about any of it.He didn’t want to be on the main stage or in the middle of gossip. He’d plannedthis evening, and it was going to be a private one.

“A privacy room,” Lou said when he started up the stairs.There was another stage on the second level, along with the space theysometimes used for what they referred to as fight club, though now it held acouple of chaise lounges where members seemed to be getting warmed up for theprivacy rooms. Or they might do it right there. The second floor was a free forall outside of the rooms.

“I want you to myself. I don’t think this first time shouldbe in public. You’re not the exhibitionist my cousins are, but we can explorelater if you like,” he explained. “Unless you don’t want to be alone with me.Are you scared of what I might do to you?”

Bratty, gorgeous eyes rolled. “No. I’m not scared.”

The dungeon monitor stood watching over the room. The bigguy nodded his way. Ross Brighton. He was roughly TJ’s height and had recentlybeen promoted. He was one of the DPD’s youngest detectives working homicide. Heknew how to keep his mouth shut. His sister was another issue.

“Hey, Ross. Is your sister here?”

Ross shook his head. “Naw. She’s helping Lou’s mom with somewedding this evening. They spent three days making the cake. Why?” He seemed tosuddenly understand. “Ah, you want to make sure she doesn’t tell Lou’s mom thatyou’re finally doing it.” He leaned in. “Because it’s like one of those fakesituations for whatever op the team is running here tonight. Not to worry. Shewon’t know anything about it, so you’re safe. Lou, you want me to bring you upa book or something? How long do you two have to hide? I can keep watch ifyou’re worried about the newbies seeing you and blowing your cover becauseyou’re not blowing each other. Though I was surprised at how thorough TJ herewas. There’s some crazy shit in that room. You are really dedicated to playingout this undercover thing.”

He was going to have to make an announcement. Maybe he couldput it in the club’s weekly newsletter.

“No book. I think we’ll find something to do,” Lou said, hereyes sparkling like she enjoyed having a secret.

He could work with that, and now he didn’t have to worryabout her parents finding out before she was ready. The last thing he wanted todo was put pressure on her through her family. He gripped her hand. “Just makesure the privacy room stays private.”

Ross nodded. “Sure. You two take a nap or something. It mustbe weird.”

Yep. He was going to make a whole announcement. Maybe hewould have like cards printed or something because the idea that he and Louwere together seemed shocking to his friends and family.

Lou was stifling a laugh as he got her into the room. “Noone believes you would actually top me.”

What he heard was no one believes you can top me.He knew what she’d said, but he’d had a fucking day. It had started out shitty,and now he had to realize no one thought he could do this.

He was a joke to most of them. He was the funny fuckup whohadn’t gone to college like his sister, who hadn’t been as deadly as hiscousins.

He could handle that from anyone but her.

He shut the door as she laughed.

“It’s kind of funny, if you think about it,” Lou said, stillgrinning. “They think we’re in here playing board games or something.”

TJ took her wrists in his hands and had her shoved upagainst the wall before she could take another breath. He loomed over her,hauling her wrists above her head, which made her breasts swell against thecorset she wore and brought her on her tiptoes. That was where he wanted her.Slightly uncomfortable and fully aware of him. “Is this a joke to you, Louisa?”

Her eyes had gone wide, mouth open slightly as she tried tofind a way to balance herself. “No. It’s just… I thought it was funny thatwe’re both all freaked out, and the truth is everyone who knows us thinks we’repretending.”

“Are you pretending?” He was on the edge. He’d managed tokeep it pretty together until they’d walked into the dungeon. Or until Lucashad flirted with her. It didn’t matter what had caused the break, he was there,and what she said next would either send him over the edge or calm him down.

“No.” Her chin came up. “No, I’m not pretending. You’re madthat they think we’re pretending. Why?”

“Because not a one of those fuckers out there thinks I’mserious, and I don’t think you do either. But you’ll understand how serious Iam about this. I can be the happy-go-lucky guy who watches TV with you and whowill haul his ass out to get you whatever you’re hungry for and I’ll be happyto do it. I’ll be every sappy fucking thing you want me to be out of thisspace. But here it’s going to be different.”

“Different?” Lou asked.

He nodded. “Yes, I told you how this was going to work. Itold you I’m a different person here. Or rather I let this side of me outhere.”

“I’ve watched you with subs. I know how you top them, andit’s still pretty much TJ.”

“Because they weren’t my sub,” TJ explained.“You’re mine. Unless you want to go downstairs and join the many women whofloat in and out of my cousin’s bed.”

She huffed. “You can’t think Lucas was serious.”

“I think my cousin is always serious about sex, and if hecould get you into bed, he would do it.”