Page 82 of Live, Love, Spy

He loved it when she teased him, but he would use that as anexcuse to play with her. He leaned over, whispering. “You’re going to pay forthat, baby.”

He would have sworn she shuddered, and not in distaste.

Oliver leaned forward, his expression turning serious.“Roughly five years ago MI6 became aware of a new player in the arms dealingindustry. He started, as many of them do, on the Deep Web offering small arms.At some point he got his hands on some well-made bombs. Very well made. When hestarted selling those, he became extremely popular in certain circles.”

“In terrorist circles,” Parker added. “Oliver and Samanthawere working on this before I was. I became involved when the terrorist attacksin Jakarta took place.”

“Because you believe Emmanuel Huisman is behind thoseattacks.” Despite the super-tight corset, Kenzie looked somewhat professionalas she glanced down at her notes. “You think Huisman, in conjunction with thegroup known as Disrupt Australia, coordinated the attacks. At least that waswhat we talked about in Sydney. I know Disrupt has groups all across theglobe.”

Lou opened her laptop, her hands flying across the keys. “Itmakes sense that it would be the Australian group. They’re closest to Indonesia,but we can’t substantiate those claims. As far as the Agency is concerned,Disrupt is nothing more than a think tank that attempts to solve the world’sproblems.”

“There is a part of the group that does just that,” Samanthaexplained. “We now believe that roughly ninety-five percent of the members donothing illegal and are not involved in any of the planning of recent attacks.I know the Agency isn’t particularly worried because so far the group hasn’ttouched American interests, so no real manpower has been used.”

“Is that what MI6 thinks?” Zach asked. “Or do they thinkthere are powerful Americans in the group they don’t want to piss off?”

Oliver shrugged. “Either way, from what we can tell, thehigher-ups at the Agency are not acting on the intel they’ve been given.”

“I will admit that we were interested in Huisman when wefirst formed this group,” Kenzie said slowly as though weighing her words.“There was a file on him being circulated, but we couldn’t verify theinformation.”

“There was?” Tasha had been silent up until now, sittingnear Parker, taking notes. “Because I’d never heard his name before the Sydneyoperation. It would have been nice if someone had informed me.”

“Me as well.” Zach looked to the end of the table where BigTag and Charlotte sat.

“It was a minor piece of intel someone who is no longer onthe team was interested in,” his uncle said. “She filed a report and the Agencyclosed it. We moved on to bigger cases.”

Lou’s hand brushed over his thigh and his cock jumped.

But she wasn’t offering a repeat of the German meeting.She’d typed a single word on her screen.


So Kala had investigated and hadn’t found anything.

That didn’t mean there wasn’t something there.

“Why would Disrupt want to attack Indonesia?” He knew a bitabout this, though he’d been left out of most of the meetings with Parker. Hisold CO hadn’t liked him, and the Agency operative they’d been backing hadproblems with his last name.

Lou shifted in her seat, her sweet face turning up his way.“I think Agent Parker believes that chaos is the point. It’s right there in thename. Disrupt. Though in their mission statement, that word refers todisrupting the social systems that cause human suffering and discrimination.What the inner circle wants is complete disruption of what are essentially thepillars of civilization. The attack on Jakarta’s public transportation systemcould be seen as a trial run. If you take out public transport, make peopleafraid to use it, the economy of the city will suffer, and if the citiessuffer, everyone does. Jakarta is an industrial hub for Southeast Asia and it’sa port as well, so trade would be disrupted. That would cause potential dips instock markets around the globe, starting with China’s big three. One wouldassume it would affect Japan and Korea, and then it would reach outward.”

“Some of it could depend on who they blame it on since weknow they won’t take credit,” Parker continued. “I think that’s why it didn’twork in Jakarta. The group they blamed was able to quickly prove it wasn’tthem, and without a bad guy, things settled down. I think Manny’s group underestimatedthe Indonesian government. He’ll try again.”

“And why would he want that?” This was the part TJ didn’tget. As far as he could tell this Huisman guy was a doctor. He ran a charitablefoundation and had written books on trauma and forgiveness. He had plenty ofmoney as he was the last one left of his wealthy family.

“Because Emmanuel Huisman wants to destroy the world so hecan rule the ashes,” Parker said quietly. “But I don’t expect any of you tobelieve me. MI6 doesn’t, but they do think there’s something going on with TheJester. Several of the bombs he sold that were used in the Jakarta attacks werenext level, but they malfunctioned. I believe the loss of life would have beentimes a hundred if those bombs had successfully deployed.”

Now he understood why they wanted The Jester. “You thinkit’s only a matter of time before the bombmaker figures out what went wrong andfixes it. So you think if you get to The Jester, you get to the bombmaker. Butthe Jakarta bombings were a few months ago. Oliver said he’s been working onthis for longer.”

“Because those weren’t the first bombs,” Samanthainterjected. “Two years ago, RaSP discovered a smalldevice attached to a vehicle.”

Lou typed. Royalty and Specialist Protection. Theyprotect the royal family.

He nodded. It was kind of nice to have his own spy translator.The truth was up until this point he hadn’t asked a lot of questions. Theyweren’t encouraged. He was there as muscle and to follow orders.

Lou’s job was more complex. A couple of days ago that mighthave been a problem somewhere deep in his brain—or maybe the better word washis ego. But he was over that. It was funny. Watching her work, knowing howhard she’d trained, had changed his mind about a lot of things.

Lou was special. Lou deserved everything the universe couldgive her.

He’d spent so much time trying to figure out where he fitinto his extraordinary family, worried he was the normal one, the dumb one, theuseless one.