Page 81 of Live, Love, Spy

“I’d like to know why it was specifically your team thatrescued him,” Ben countered. “I know he was kidnapped a few days ago by aGerman mobster who is trying to find the true identity of The Jester. I foundit interesting yours was the team the Agency sent in.”

“He’s my boyfriend. Of course my team saved him,” Lou saidsuddenly. “I would have done it myself if they hadn’t come with me.”

A brow cocked over Ben’s eyes. “Boyfriend? That doesn’t seemlike a good idea when you have to work with him.”

“Yeah, well no one listens to good ideas on this team,” BigTag muttered under his breath.

Her hand came out, covering his. “We’ve been off and on fora long time. It might not be a good idea, but it’s the way we are, and Iwouldn’t leave him behind any more than he would leave me, so if you think youcould turn me against him, you’re wrong.”

She was covering, giving them a reason beyond beingchildhood friends and family members for the team to come after him.

“And I help Lou since she always backs my questionabledecisions,” Kenzie added.

“We’re a team, and I’m well aware that Lou has questionabletaste,” Zach said, but he gave her a wink as though he thoroughly approved ofwhat she was trying to do.

And TJ approved because it meant whenever Ben was around,Lou had to play the doting girlfriend. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Ithank the heavens for her bad taste otherwise I might still be in Germanygetting tortured.”

“Not at all,” Oliver countered. “I had started making plansto get you out the minute we realized they had you. I was surprised they movedso quickly.”

“Our intel came from the Dark Web,” Sami explained.

“We connected the dots when we realized someone put outfeelers to kidnap your sister or your mother,” Ben continued. “I take it youmanaged to switch them out for another operative and she saved you.”

“Lou saved me.” He wanted to make that plain.

Suddenly he was okay with Parker hanging around for a while.In a couple of weeks, Lou would be used to him being on top of her all the timeand she wouldn’t feel the need to date anymore because she would have aboyfriend.

Parker turned his attention to Kenzie, who looked cool andcalm with boobs half hanging out. There was no way to miss the fact that Parkerhad to force himself to look her in the eyes. “I would have thought they wouldsend in the infamous Ms. Magenta. Or do you only offer saves for your boyfriendon the team?”

Kenzie frowned. “I don’t have a boyfriend on the team. Idon’t have a boyfriend at all.”

Parker nodded toward Cooper, who was already sighing.“That’s not what he thinks.”

Well, at least Parker proved he didn’t know they were twins.

Kenzie’s nose wrinkled. “Ewww,Coop is like my brother. I wouldn’t touch him. Ewww.”

Coop sat back. “Yeah, that was for the op, man. Lou and TJare the only couple on the team, and TJ won’t be on the team for long.”

He didn’t have to put it like that. “I’m still Army. I workon Special Forces teams dedicated to helping the Agency. I’m on assignment hereuntil we figure out why someone thinks I know an international arms dealer.”

“Now that we’ve figured out who is sleeping with whom andwho is potentially available to sleep with, can we get to why we’re here?” Zachasked, and his uncle grunted, obviously handing the meeting over to thecaptain. “If anyone needs a checklist, I’ll pass one out at the end of themeeting. Until then, let’s shove those hormones deep.”

“No one needs a checklist. I think Mr. Parker knows what hewants,” Kenzie replied. “Whether or not he’ll get it is a question we can answerlater.”

“Oh, I’ll get it,” Parker promised.

“I’ll get something. I’ll get nauseous,” his uncle said.

“Do you want a cookie?” Lou offered.

“I want some answers,” his uncle replied and then frowned.“And a cookie.”

It was a good thing he’d gotten two dozen. He knew hisfamily’s habit of stealing treats. TJ passed the plate around. “Now Ipersonally would like someone to tell me how Jimmy Bond down there got involvedwith The Jester. I know why Tim Horton did. He sees Huismanseverywhere.”

His uncle and Zach snorted in perfect time, but Parker shookhis head and looked almost human for a moment. He so often resembled awell-sculpted statue. “That’s not the insult you think it is. Tim Horton’s isdelicious. It’s a Canadian treasure. What do you have, Dunkin’?”

Lou laughed. “No. You have to call him Taco Bell. He doesn’teat donuts, but he will chow down on a quesadilla.”