Page 73 of Live, Love, Spy

Lou’s eyes had widened. “Boob dress?”

“Yes, it’s the one that shows off your boobs. Where are yourshoes, baby?” TJ asked.

Liam managed to get Oliver out of the limo and onto solidground. “I think they’re in here. Oh, is that whiskey I smell?”

“Of course not, old man. That’s the finest Scotch,” Oliverreturned.

“Damon should have spanked you more, boyo.” Liam pulled hiscell out. “Ian, you can stand down. It’s Damon’s kiddos. Either they’re intokidnapping or they’re following in their da’sfootsteps. Did you know about this?”

“Baby? Oh, shit,” Sami said, looking from her brother to TJ.“Are the two of you together?”

“Yes,” TJ said.

“No,” Lou said at the same time.

“It’s complicated,” his mom assured Sami.

TJ was stuck on that dress. “You wore your boob dress to adate with Oliver Knight?”

There was a fine flush to her face. “I wore my…this very nicedress to a date with Miguel Garza. Who apparently turned out to be OliverKnight. And my shoes are in the car. I took them off so I could run because Ididn’t know this guy is some kind of friend of yours. He kidnapped me. Hethinks you’re in league with this Jester person.”

“Oh, they’re definitely MI6,” Liam was saying. “Did youthink you were the only one with spy kids? No, he didn’t copy you. Stop yellingat me. I’m trying to listen. I think TJ might kick Ollie’s arse.”

“As if he could,” Oliver retorted with a frown.

That was a kick in the gut. He thought they were friends.“Why the hell didn’t you ask me, Oliver? You had to kidnap my girlfriend?”

An elegant shoulder shrugged. “I didn’t know she was yourgirlfriend at the time. My intel told me Louisa Ward was single. She’s also thebrains of your team. I certainly wouldn’t kidnap one of the twins. They candeball a man with their eyes. Also, I’m working with someone outside of myagency, and I wouldn’t want to threaten the twins’ secret. For heaven’s sake,Mr. O’Donnell, let the big guy know I’m not a threat to his darlings. As to whyI didn’t call TJ, well, what was he supposed to say? Yes, Ollie, I’ve taken toa life of crime. I know we spent a spot of time together as children, but we’readults now.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” his mother muttered.

“And he definitely planned on seducing her,” Sami supplied.

“Well, she did look awfully lovely in that dress,” Oliversaid with a sigh. “I planned to make her time with us as comfortable aspossible. She was never in any danger, mate.”

“Except of catching a venereal disease,” Sami countered.

“TJ’s absolutely going to kick his arse.Yes, Lou’s wearing that dress Kenzie talked her into. You know the one whereher boobs hang out,” Liam said.

“They do not,” Lou replied, but he noticed she had to adjustthe top of the dress again because they were absolutely hanging out.

“TJ, stay calm.” His mother seemed intent on being the voiceof reason.

“We should get back to the office. I’m sure Big Tag willwant a report,” Lou said.

She looked so gorgeous in that dress, but something wasn’tcomputing. “Why would you not be able to run in your shoes?” Lou didn’t wearhigh heels. And there was another problem with the scenario. “Why didn’t yougut this guy like you did the guard?”

His baby could be deadly when she wanted to be. Had she notwanted to hurt the big, gorgeous Brit?

“I am a well-trained operative, you know.” Oliver seemeddisturbed at the thought of everyone kicking his ass.

“I borrowed Kenzie’s shoes. She helped me get dressed. And Itook too small a bag. I wasn’t carrying,” she admitted.

A hole felt like it opened up inside him. All the adrenalinefrom before was roiling into something else. Something that made him ache.She’d slept with him all night and gotten up and carefully prepared for herdate. She’d done everything she could to look sexy as hell for some guy his aunthad found for her.

Somehow in the back of his head, he’d thought she was beingstubborn. That the whole dating thing was payback for him being a stubborn assfor years.

She was serious. She wanted to find someone. Someone whowasn’t him.