Page 72 of Live, Love, Spy

TJ let his brain go quiet, his focus narrowing to that tire.The world went silent and he brought the SIG up, his legs the only thingkeeping him in the vehicle.

Then he felt a hand on his leg. Liam had positioned himselfso he could act as a balance to TJ. His uncle wouldn’t let him fall. His familywas annoying, and they always had his back.

Between one breath and another, he pulled the trigger.

He managed to slide back into the Jeep as the limo wentskidding across the road.

Don’t flip. Don’t flip. Don’t fucking flip.

The limo swerved, and for a moment he worried the driverwould regain control.

That was when the big black car fishtailed, the awful soundof metal against concrete filling the air. And the limo veered off the road,rolling down the hill to a stop. It sat precariously on its side.

His mom managed to stop the Jeep and not roll down the hill.TJ was out in a heartbeat, his mom and uncle coming right behind him.

“Lou,” he yelled out. Let her be okay. He kept hisSIG at the ready because he had no idea how many guns he would be facing.

Just let Lou be okay. He couldn’t be the reason Loudied.

“I’ll take the driver, you two get whoever’s in the back,”his mom called out. “And we need to move because someone’s going to call thecops, and I know Big Tag’s going to want a word with whoever’s in there.”

“Take them alive if you can,” Liam said quietly. He movedaround the limo so they had a gun on both sides of the vehicle.

The driver’s side window opened, and two feminine hands cameup. “Hello. I’m coming out. I’m not armed. Well, I am, but I’m not going to useit.”

A blonde head followed the open hands, and TJ frownedbecause he knew that face. He hadn’t seen her in a couple of years, butSamantha Knight looked almost the same as the last time he’d been in London.

“Sami?” He was confused.

“Hello, TJ. Long time no see.” She gave him a brilliantsmile and then frowned. “No. I’m not going to do that, Ollie. Mrs. Taggart ishere. No, TJ’s mom. You know I adore her. And Liam O’Donnell, if I’m notmistaken.” Sami turned back to them. “Ollie wants me to try to take you out. Ina nonlethal fashion, of course. He’s high on something, I’m sure because thatwould never work. You know my brother. He thinks far too highly of himself.”

“Where’s Lou?” TJ didn’t lower the weapon. He had no ideawhy Damon Knight’s kids were here, but they had Lou.

“I’m here.” She started to climb out of the back window.“I’m okay. I put on my seatbelt when I realized what you were going to do.”

“You could have bloody well told me,” a very British voicesaid. “I might have a concussion. And this suit is perfectly ruined. It wasn’tcheap, you know.”

Liam moved in, frowning. “Bloody Brits. I haven’t had anybreakfast, boy, so you should start talking. I’m already in a bad mood.”

TJ holstered his SIG and raced to pull Lou out of the limo.He wrapped his arms around her, carrying her from the wreckage. Relief pouredthrough him. She was alive. She didn’t seem to be hurt.

“Serves you right.” Sami climbed out and brushed her handsdown her shirt, trying to straighten it. She seemed very peppy for someone who’dsurvived an accident. “It’s nothing compared to what Papa is going to do to youwhen he finds out you kidnapped Louisa Ward and got caught doing it. Just soeveryone understands, this was not my idea, but does James Bond over therelisten to good advice?”

Liam offered Oliver his hand.

His mom had holstered her gun, too. She moved to the youngblonde and looked her over. Their families had ties. His father was goodfriends with one of the London team’s longest working members, a man namedRussell Seeger, though he went by Robert. He and TJ’s dad had survived someseriously bad shit together, and the bond had held over the years. When theyvisited Robert and his wife, Ariel, in London, he and his sister would oftenspend time with Damon Knight’s kids, Oliver and Archie, and the youngest, Samantha.“You okay, kid?”

It didn’t look like Archie was here.

Sami said something, but TJ was too busy checking Lou forinjuries. Now that he knew she was alive, he was practically frantic. “Baby,I’m so sorry. I didn’t know they were friendlies. What’s going on? I didn’tknow you knew the Knights.”

Had he made a horrible mistake?

“Knights? Like the guy who runs the London office?” Louadjusted her glasses and tried to straighten her dress.

She was wearing her boob dress. It was the sexiest thing sheowned. It showed off the swell of her breasts, and he could barely think whenshe wore that dress. “You wore your boob dress on a breakfast date?”

“In her defense, we didn’t actually get to breakfast,” acultured British voice said. Oliver Knight had a small gash on his jawline butotherwise managed to look perfectly smooth, despite the fact he was standing ina wrecked limo.