Page 83 of Live, Love, Spy

His parents hadn’t made him feel that way. Never. It was afragility that had been born inside him.

It was something he could overcome because he’d found hisreal place. He was Lou’s support. He could be the strong center of whateverfamily they built.

“You mentioned something about anti-monarchists back inAustralia,” Kenzie prompted.

“I believe that’s a group the inner core of Disrupt isworking with,” Ben replied. “I believe my boss sent your boss someintelligence.”

Big Tag shook his head. “It’s a lot of conjecture and notenough clean lines to connect the two. I want to know about the bombs and whythis is new information if they’ve been around for a while.”

“You should talk to your boss,” Sami said. “We’ve given theAgency the information. We believe that this bombmaker is close to buildingwhat we call small arms nuclear weapons. We think he’s trying to target specificareas while leaving others standing and without worry about nuclear fallout. Itcould change urban warfare in ways we can’t imagine.”

“And make genocide easy and fun,” his uncle muttered underhis breath. “Lou, look into this. I want a report on how this would work andhow far along the research is.”

“You could read my report,” Ben offered, sounding slightlyoffended.

“I want Lou’s analysis,” his uncle insisted. “What I willtake from you is any and all intelligence that leads you to believe Sergeant Taggartis involved.” His uncle looked his way. “I’m going to ask you again. Do youknow anything about this situation?”

He was so happy he could be open and honest. “Nope. I knowthey have a picture of me they say is a meeting with The Jester in Berlin. Onlything I did in Berlin was get a briefing on an op and drink a lot of beer. Iknow nothing, but I’m willing to answer questions. Most of the answers will beI don’t know.”

His uncle gathered the papers in front of him. “I’m going toread this and call Langley, however I’m going to do it from the comfort of myhome so I don’t have to be in this rat hole where things happen that Ishouldn’t have to watch.”

“That sounds good to me,” Kenzie said, her eyes on Ben.

His uncle shuddered and started to stand.

Lou stood as well. “I should come with you, boss. I need toget you that research.”

Whoa. “I think Lou needs a break.”

Lou turned his way. “This is too important. I’d also likesome time with this evidence they have.”

“That has to wait until the higher-ups give my handler thego ahead,” Oliver announced. “So we should feel free to enjoy the club thisevening. Say, I was wondering if anyone is putting us up for the night? We’resupposed to be in Toronto.”

“Yes, where you would have taken my kidnapped sub.” TJ stoodbeside Lou. “Who hasn’t had a break in days.”

Charlotte was beside her husband, whispering in his ear. Hisuncle sighed, blue eyes rolling. “Fine. Lou, despite the fact that we’re in themiddle of something dangerous and important, please take the evening off toplay with my…with the sergeant. See if your vagina can get any answers out ofhim. As for you…” He looked at Kenzie. “This is a mistake.”

“But it’s mine to make,” she replied steadily.

His uncle sighed and took his aunt’s hand. “Zach, you dealwith the Brits however you see fit. I’m out of here for the night. We’ll getback together tomorrow when hopefully I’ve got all the intel I need.”

“Knight, you got a credit card?” Zach asked, not looking upfrom his notes.

“Of course,” Oliver replied.

“Good, there’s a motel a couple blocks over. They charge bythe hour.” Zach stood, gathering his things. “Have fun. And take the Canadianwith you.”

TJ wasn’t sure the Canadian wouldn’t be staying with hiscousin. Who was walking a fine line.

But none of that meant a damn thing because he was about toplay with Lou, and no matter what happened he knew he would remember the nightforever.


Lou looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what thehell she was doing. She should be on her computer waiting for the intel to comein so she could take it apart and get TJ off the hook so he could go back tohis job and she could go back to hers and they would normalize again.

Instead, she’d poured her body into a corset and skimpy boyshorts and let Kala do her makeup.

“Hold still.” Kala had a curling iron in her hand now,giving Lou beachy waves. “I do not know what my sister is thinking.”