Page 30 of Live, Love, Spy

“Sure you will, TJ,” Kala said with a sigh. “Yeah, you’regoing to save Lou, dumbass.”

“Don’t.” She wasn’t sure why, but irritation flashed throughher. No. She did know why. “Don’t call him dumb.”

Kala’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit. You’re into this.”

“I am not.” She couldn’t be. “Like I said it was emotionaland stressful, and we gave in. It was probably inevitable, but it won’t happenagain. He’s going to wake up and be horrified, and I need to figure out how toget around the whole ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech I’m likely going to get.When’s the first flight out?”

“Oh, it’s not that easy,” Zach promised. “We’ve got adebrief after Romeo here is fully awake, and then Big Tag is going to have atalk with our friend. We don’t leave for at least twenty-four hours and we’reon the smaller jet, so I’m sure we’ll all get to listen in on your therapysession. Shit. He’s already out. I thought we might be able to smuggle Lou in.”

Cooper pulled up a long, private drive that led to a bigcabin. If one didn’t know what to look for, it would appear to be aninconspicuous ski chalet, but she could see the signs that this place washeavily fortified and secured.

Big Tag stood on the lawn along with his brother andsister-in-law. Tasha was on the porch, biting her bottom lip, as though sheknew there was about to be a huge scene. The door opened, and Kenziepractically sprinted out, racing to the car.

Big Tag stood there, his hands in fists at his hips. He wasthe biggest, baddest authority figure in her world,and he’d now seen how much she enjoyed oral sex.

She’d never enjoyed oral before. It was weird, and shecouldn’t get comfortable or relax enough to enjoy it.

But TJ hadn’t allowed her to get self-conscious. He’doverwhelmed her with pleasure, so she didn’t think about anything but him.

Cooper stopped the car, and Kenzie was right there, haulingthe door open.

“Lou, are you okay?”

“Yes, Lou’s okay. Lou’s probably the loosest, most relaxedone here since she’s so recently discovered my nephew’s tongue,” Big Tagannounced, his eyes wide. “That is not something I should ever have to see,Lou. What the hell am I going to tell your father?”

“Nothing because it’s classified,” she tried, easing out ofthe car, though she didn’t want to leave TJ. She wanted to sit there untilright before he woke up, longed for this warm time when he seemed to want herbecause he thought they were back in that place.

Big Tag ignored her reasonable suggestion. “I have to tellBoomer because your bride price is now heartily reduced. I’m sure he was goingto trade you for goats or something.”

“I think we’ll handle Lou. No goats required.” Theo Taggartstopped in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You did good, kid.Thank you for bringing our boy back.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Erin agreed. “Now let’s get him tobed. I take it he walked right into a microdoser.”

“He didn’t know I had them. He was trying to stop me fromfalling, and I grabbed him. Not his fault,” Lou explained.

“You know what is his fault?” Big Tag asked, but she knew arhetorical question when she heard one. “My hysterical blindness.”

Kala strode from the other side of the vehicle, her fingerpointing her dad’s way and a look of righteous indignation on her face. “Don’tyou dare, old man. Don’t you dare start shaming Lou. You have no right. Howmany times did I walk in on you and Mom doing… I still haven’t figured out thepurpose of some of those positions. How many?”

Kenzie seemed to pick up on her sister’s distraction ploy.“Yeah. One time you asked me how I thought I was made and to shut the door andyou went back at it. We could all hear you. You were a sexual terrorist.”

“You knew your parents loved each other,” Tag argued. “Howelse would you know?”

“Any other way,” Kenzie shot back. “And by your own words,now we know how thoroughly TJ adores Lou. So good for them.”

Big Tag’s head shook. “No. It’s on the list. Thou shalt not fucketh thine rescuer.”

Kala’s eyes rolled. “You just made that up, and you didn’thave any problem when that French agent saved Zach from getting his asspoisoned by SVR.”

“I totally fuckethed her,” Zachagreed, helpfully. He leaned against the big SUV, as though ready for someentertainment. “It was payback. My life. Her orgasm. Also, think about thetenuous relationship we have with her country. Now it’s better, and all becauseof my dick.”

“I didn’t have to see that,” Big Tag countered, ignoringZach.

This was ridiculous. She walked right up to the big guy. Hewas intimidating, but she’d been around the man since she was a kid. “I’msorry, Uncle Ian. I made a decision when I thought the comms would stay out fora while. I thought we were being listened in on, and I couldn’t come out andtell TJ what was happening. He was talking too much so I distracted him.”

“With your vagina,” Tag said, his head nodding like he wasstill trying to process the trauma.

“Dad,” Kenzie said between clenched teeth.