Page 31 of Live, Love, Spy

“With my vagina. I forgot to bring in a laptop, so TV wasout of the question, and it was pretty sparse in there,” she admitted.

Tag stared at her for a long time. “Fuck.”

“We did not quite get there.” Sometimes the key to Big Tagwas to go with it.

He didn’t take the bait. His expression softened. “Is that howyou’re going to play it?”

“I’m not playing. It was an op, and I might have made somebad decisions but it was still successful.” Lou was going to accentuate thepositive.

She was going to stay calm because she could feel anxietybuilding. It was creeping up along her spine, and soon it would wrap itselfaround her lungs and she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

“Not if that’s the way you’re playing it,” Tag said with afrown. “All right. Go get some rest. We debrief at 1900. And Lou, you need tothink about how you’re going to handle TJ when he wakes up because he didn’tknow you were distracting him. He thought it was real.”

She watched as Theo and Erin carried their sleeping son upthe stairs to the porch.

“He thought we were going to die, and he needed comfort,”Lou explained. “That was all it was. I’m sure if we’d sent someone else in, hewould have come on to them, too.”

“Not me,” Kala pointed out.

“Lou.” TJ’s head was slung back, and his eyes were open now.“Lou.”

“Yeah, he sounds very not serious.” Tag sighed. “He’sdrugged half to death and still calling for you.”

“Hey, Lou. He seems worried about you,” Theo called out.“Can you come let him know you’re still here?”

She wanted to run. TJ was going to wake up horrified.

So maybe it was best to be right there to assure him nothinghad to change.

Yes. That was why she followed them upstairs, respondingevery time TJ called out her name. That was why she helped his mom get him downto his boxers and tuck him into the bed.

That was why she crawled in next to him when he begged herto come closer. His arms went around her, and he quieted finally.

“Lou,” he whispered, nestling his head to her chest. “Mine.”

Yes. He would be horrified when he woke up. She would lethim get good and asleep and then ease out so they were on a proper footing whenhe woke.

In a minute she would do it. He was so warm, and the day hadbeen…she wasn’t even sure what to call it. It had upended her whole world, andshe had no idea what happened now. Except for the apology she would give him.

But she would deal with that later. She yawned and fellasleep wrapped in his warmth.

Chapter Five

She could feel the blood on her hands. It coated them, andshe knew her aim had been true. She’d hit the man’s jugular, and he was deadbefore he hit the floor.

She could see his eyes as they went blank, something essentialfleeing with death.

She’d done that. She’d ascertained that it was the guard orTJ, and there hadn’t been a second’s hesitation.

So much blood.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s just a dream,” a familiar voicewhispered.

And then she felt his lips on her neck.

She was pinned down, but in the sweetest way. There wasn’tany blood in this place. In this place TJ became someone new. She becamesomeone new. In this place they didn’t have to have their long history betweenthem. They were simply a Dom and his sub. They knew their roles and what was expectedof each, and things were simple.

“I’ll make sure you’re okay,” TJ vowed right before she felthis lips brush hers.