Startled, because I’d been so engrossed in my texting with Asher, I spun around.
And there Aurora was staring up at me with a concerned expression.
“What? What’s wrong?” I asked, rapidly scanning the grocery store.
Everything looked fine.
No problematic elements afoot.
She seemed the same. Unruffled. Happy.
Oh. Her concern was for me.
“You haven’t moved since I left, Jonah.”
“I…” I looked down at my basket. I hadn’t picked up a single thing in the time she’d been gone. “I was texting with Asher.”
“What’s happened?” she asked, her concern quickly mounting.
I took her hand on my arm and held it between us, stroking her fingers. “Nothing. We were just checking in with each other.”
She blew out a breath. “Oh. Good. Very good.”
Very good. His exact words, almost like his catchphrase. Interesting. And amusing as fuck.
She gave my hand a squeeze. “Well, now that’s done with, let’s get moving, finish up here. I need to take you by my house before we head home and start getting down to making all of this.”
“What do you need at your place? I thought you got everything you needed?”
“It’s not something for me.”
I cocked an eyebrow.
“It’s a surprise.”
“I’m not really down for surprises.”
“Well, this one you’ll like. I promise.”
“You promise, huh?”
She giggled, actually fucking giggled.
The sound rolled through me, calling to me like the sweetest music ever.
And that was it, reservations out the window.
“All right then, let’s hurry this shit up. Now you’ve got me all excited.”
She beamed at me with that full smile of hers that did things to a man.
I grinned and wrapped my arm around her, then started down the aisle to get the last of what we needed.
“Real homely,” Jonah commented as he followed me across the threshold of my house.