Jonah: Yeah? Simple as that? You’re gonna just watch from the wings?
Asher: She can handle herself.
Before I could fully absorb the massive deal it was that he was loosening his grip—at least when it came to Aurora—he sent another message.
Asher: Delay dinner for another hour.
Jonah: Finishing up your painting?
Asher: No. Off-territory.
Jonah: Without backup?
Considering what had happened just days ago, that was worrying, to say the least.
Asher: Bryce is with me.
Jonah: Should’ve been me.
It was always me there, his right hand.
Asher: Need you there.
Jonah: Holding down the fort and babysitting?
Asher: As a deterrent to our enemies. The two of us off-territory is an invitation to our fathers and the problematic elements within Hexwood. Stability must be maintained.
Jonah: I thought we’d dealt with the problematic fuckers in town.
Asher: Liza returned from Torvin earlier today. I ensured the video was sent while she was there. I’ve surveilled her around town since. She’s met with Tessier. She was seen screaming and crying outside his dorm. He pulled her inside and when she left she’d calmed.
Jonah: You think she’s using him to plot revenge or something?
Asher: Yes.
Jonah: Rules of engagement?
Asher: Maximum force, but nothing lethal. Make it public.
Jonah: A lesson?
Asher: Domination.
My blood heated at the prospect.
Jonah: You’ve got it.
Asher: Good boy.
Smooth bastard. My cock jerked and my heating blood threatened to ignite. That was how damned good he was, what he did to me. Just two words and he got me going.
Jonah: Watch your back, brother.
Asher: See you soon.
I’d only just stowed my phone away in the back pocket of my jeans when a hand grasped my arm.