Shit. She’d let the darkness in.
Draco slammed back into a pile of ruins, roaring in fury. He winced, his agony clear.
She was actually doing damage, actually hurting him. It really looked like she had him on the ropes.
Until his sword left his hand.
It cut through the air with unmatched speed.
I heard myself bellowing out a warning.
But he was too fast.
By the time the words had left my lips, the monstrosity plunged into her side, impaling her to the ground.
“Mia!” I screamed, her shrieks of agony twisting my gut.
Her magic retracted involuntarily and Draco advanced on her.
Fuck me. He was going to kill her. There was no doubt in my mind.
I bolted forward, stumbling several times over in my weakened state. But I persevered, having no clue what I was going to be able to do to stop him, but knowing that I had to try.
I couldn’t even entertain the possibility of her dying.
I wouldn’t.
“Stop!” I shouted. “She’s already down! Leave her! It’s over!”
“It will be,” he pronounced.
In a burst of speed, he grabbed the hilt of his sword and ripped it out of her.
“Stop!” I yelled, skidding to my knees beside her as she writhed, shrieking and screaming on the ground, blood pouring from the wound.
Black blood.
Not only was she bleeding out, but she’d been wounded by an Immortal weapon. It was fatal to all supernatural beings.
Draco held his sword high, studying the blood coating its blade, victory and a sick satisfaction flashing in his eyes.
A blinding white light tore through the area.
The next thing I knew, Draco’s sword was ripped from his grip, spinning violently through the air as it sailed into oblivion.
And then a silver explosion engulfed him, swallowing him whole, stealing him from the area completely.
Wings filled my vision and a moment later Cornelius came into view.
I tensed as he touched down beside me.
This time, though, there was no contempt, no threat in his eyes.
As he took in the sight of his mortally wounded daughter, there was just pain.
“She was stabbed by an Immortal blade,” I informed him.