I’d failed.
A sudden weight slammed into my left side.
In the blink of an eye, I was on my back, Lucian's body a hefty shield on top of me, the bolt sailing over us in the distance.
“Shit,” I choked, looking up at him. “Thanks.”
He smiled weakly, then groaned as he rolled off me.
And then his eyes fluttered closed and he passed out.
“You are not united!” Draco boomed. He sneered. “Neither will you ever be.”
He turned from a worryingly unmoving Mia and approached me.
I staggered to my feet, blocking his way to Lucian.
“I see now that you both wish to remain on Martel’s leash. You require persuasion to see things my way.” He brought his hands together and a black glow exploded forth. When he pulled them away, palms up and facing my way, they were flaming wildly. “I will unmake your vampire mate. I am sure once you witness the results, you will not wish the same fate to befall you, and you will fall in line.”
What the shit did that mean?
I had a sickening feeling that it was just as horrific, possibly more so, than death itself.
“You’re not touching him,” I seethed.
He smirked. “You have great potential, so much you have only just begun to tap into. At this point in time, however, you are greatly outmatched.”
Swallowing hard, I stepped forward. I held out my arms. “Take me instead.”
“That will not work.”
“What? Why not?”
“There is much you do not know.”
His magic sparked.
And then a fusillade of vibrant blue lightning bolts slammed into him.
They were so blindingly bright, I could barely look directly at them.
They just kept streaming and streaming.
And the most shocking thing of all was that the assault actually drove Draco back.
I swung my head to see none other than Mia still on the ground, but wide awake now, her magic streaming at Draco.
It wasn’t an incarnation I’d ever seen from her magic before. It was… more.
Vicious. Untamed. Dangerous.
She was more powerful than I’d ever seen her.
Her eyes were completely black. There was no emotion, no sign at all that the woman I knew was there.