The sharp pain swiftly evolved to an unsettling pins and needles sensation permeating through my head.
And then a flash erupted, obscuring my vision and replacing it with an image.
Something instantly recognizable.
A coat of arms.
A golden pentacle with a stylized 'M' at its center.
The Maven Coven.
My stomach lurched as the ornate lettering began to drip with blood. All too quickly, it escalated, completely obscuring it until it was entirely drowned out.
Oh my God.
In the next moment, the flash subsided.
Coming back to reality, I found myself hunched over and Ryker in the same state, Lucian between us with a hand to each of our shoulders, using his vampiric strength to keep us upright.
“What happened?” he asked.
I exchanged a grave look with Ryker.
“A distress call,” I told Lucian. “From the Maven Coven.”
“They’re in a shitload of trouble for it to reach us,” Ryker said.
He was right. The distress call that was designed to call on all living alumni was an absolute last resort. There were plenty of accomplished magic-wielders residing on their grounds already. If they weren’t enough to handle whatever had come up, it meant something truly dire had occurred. Just like the imagery that vision had communicated.
“We need to go to them. Now,” I said, stepping back and conjuring my Burberry coat.
“Mia,” Ryker said. “Let me go. I don’t think you’re in any state to take this on.”
“If the situation is as severe as it appears to be, I’ll be needed.”
“Why has a Guardian call failed to reach you?” Lucian cut in.
The realization hit me instantly. “Cornelius doesn’t want us there.”
Ryker nodded. “He’s purposely keeping it off our radar.”
“Meaning it’s too dangerous,” Lucian surmised.
“Or, he wants us here bonding so his precious Covenant is formed ASAP,” I countered.
“Either way, it’s bullshit,” Ryker ground out. “Our Coven, the people who are like family to us, are under attack. That’s what we know for certain. I won’t stand by and let them suffer.”
“This is a bad idea,” Lucian stated.
“Ryker, go to Jaxon, I’ll take care of this.”
“I’m not leaving you to go into battle solo.”
“I will accompany her,” Lucian proposed, backing me up because he wanted Ryker protected just as much as I did.
“They sent the distress call to two magic-wielders so that’s what they need for whatever they’re dealing with. That’s what they’ll get. If not, without my power at your back, both you and Mia will be at a severe disadvantage. Strength in numbers, anyone?”
“‘No more reckless shit.’ Do you recall your vow to me?” Lucian asked.