There was no time to reconcile any of it.
Everything was coming to a head now and recent events had made it clear that there was no way out. I had to go through with it.
We had to.
I couldn’t spare Ryker or anyone. It was beyond me. We were at the mercy of beings who stood a world apart from us.
Just as I slipped back into my block heels, a soft rap sounded on my bedroom door.
It was distinctive, the same bright and musical pattern he always used.
“Come in, Ry,” I called out, turning as he opened the door and stepped inside. I saw Lucian in the hallway, hanging back.
“It’s fine. For both of you.”
Ryker nodded and stepped inside with Lucian following at his back. He lingered at the door while Ryker walked over to me, stopping a foot out as he regarded me tensely.
I wasn’t surprised, seeing as though I’d run out on them like a bat out of hell a half hour ago.
I smiled inwardly. Thirty minutes.
When we’d been together and Ryker or I had gotten upset with one another, we’d given the other that time to calm down before we’d then have it out and discuss the issue coolly and calmly with level heads.
“I’m fine,” I put out there, before he could ask.
“Mia, I don’t think that could possibly be the case. And that would be expected after what just transpired—both here and in that plane. It was a violation.”
“On several levels,” Lucian spoke from over by the door, eyeing me sadly.
“Thank you for recognizing it for what it really was,” I told him.
He smiled back at me.
Ryker shoved a hand through his hair. “Cornelius is getting beyond desperate. Forcing our connection like that to form this Covenant of his would have made the bonding that he claims needs to take place false. It likely would’ve impacted the spell, possibly even corrupting it.”
“There is underlying sentiment there between the three of us, so it might have still worked the way that’s required,” I said.
The two of them stared at me in clear surprise that I’d openly admitted to it, inadvertently confirming that I still had feelings for Ryker and that there was something there for me when it came to Lucian too.
“Our time is up. Mine, especially. I can’t run anymore.”
As much as I wanted to.
There was just no other choice now.
I had to make myself believe that I was ready.
Fake it ‘til you make it.
Ryker reached out and carefully stroked my arm. “I’m so sorry, Mia. I wish you hadn’t been carrying all of this alone.”
“It is what it is,” I told him, forcing a smile I really didn’t feel.
“Before things go any further, we need an audience with Cornelius,” Lucian said.
“I agree,” Ryker said, looking at me, worry all over him. “You’re in pain. He needs to know. He keeps so many secrets, perhaps telling him where your head is at, the state you’re in, the mental anguish you’re suffering through, will have him admitting there is another way that doesn’t involve you taking the weight of the fight against Draco on your shoulders.”
Before I could offer up a response, a sudden pain pierced through my temples. “Urgh,” I grunted as I stepped back unsteadily, slapping my hand to the bed behind me.