Mhane pouted adorably. “He wouldn’t dare. After all our effort I expect to come home drunk and perfectly happy.” The air around her suddenly darkened. “Without a care in the world,” Mhane stared into space, her body frozen, until Mhane blinked and uncoiled with a smile that chilled Adrienne to the bone.
“Tonight, we’ll have fun. I don’t know if you can get drunk at an art show. It’ll probably only be you and me there, so we can dance around and just be silly,” Adrienne said with a small smile.
Mhane spun in a playful whirl and bowed low. “It would be my pleasure,” Mhane said in a deep voice, causing them to laugh.
Taking one last look in the mirror Adrienne adjusted the crown. Gold leaves decorated it; the few wild curls at the top were tamed into it. She kept the rest of her hair in smooth controlled waves, curling into her neck with the help of a black hair grip, the back a sheer panel that displayed her bare spine.
Her neck was bare, and the thin straps of her gold dress were as delicate as the rest. The front plunged to her belly. The valley between her breasts had flecks of pale gold sparkles that drew the eye.
She almost cringed when Mhane laughed and brushed it between the valley of her breast. When she threatened to rub it off, Mhane smacked her hand and told her firmly “No.”
Adrienne indulged her and admitted the effect was striking. Her pale cleavage didn’t seem so obscene with glittering gold.
Tugging the hem, she fidgeted with the silk around her thighs. “You don’t think I should have chosen something a bit longer?”
“No. You look amazing. Now stop fidgeting.” Mhane pulled her hands away and Adrienne left the hem, though it still felt like she was naked—probably because she could feel the breeze around her arse.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t become windy,” Adrienne smirked.
“Are you kidding?” Mhane said as she grabbed their clutches and opened the door to a suddenly gob-smacked Briar who stood with his mouth hanging open.
And so he should. The dark eyeshadow and purple lipstick gave Mhane a real dark goddess look.
“This dress would look great wet,” Mhane teased with a smirk.
Adrienne choked at her audacity. Her baby sister had no filter and if her dress got wet, she would look like she was wearing nothing.
Adrienne clicked past Briar in thick gold heels, following Mhane whose stiletto purple heels clicked noisily on the concrete. Adrienne watched Briar rub a hand down his face, danger radiating from him.
“You look like you’re in pain,” Adrienne commented with a smile.
Briar nodded, then shook his head. “Not yet but I will be,” he grated out.
“What?” Mhane asked with a sly grin.
“Nothing,” he said and stormed after Mhane.
Briar fumed as he drove them to the gallery.
Shaland was the place she wanted to use, and she was surprised Noah had booked it because when she tried, they hadn’t been available for months. She had briefly considered using the other gallery, however, this one had everything she wanted, and her heart hadn’t been in the other one.
Anticipation, fear, and worry were rioting because she hadn’t seen what it looked like. She hadn’t set it up. Adrienne had no idea who had touched her art, or where certain pieces had been placed. If it looked how she had envisioned.
Her mouth dropped open, and Drienne gripped the back of Briar’s seat in surprise. “This isn’t for the gallery, right?”
A line of people all jostling in a queue around the block.
Mhane laughed lightly.
Adrienne saw Briar’s hand tighten on the steering wheel.
Mhane’s hand gripped Adrienne’s shoulders as she put her cheek next to hers. “Well, big sister…there’ll be no room to dance.”
Adrienne laughed in disbelief and anticipation rose as they parked.
Was Noah here? Had he just set it up and left?
Briar opened the door for them, his jaw shifting and his teeth grinding.