Page 6 of Twisted Lies

My mission is to save her and give her the best life she could ever have. I will love and spoil her until the end of days because she is worth everything. Eyeing the piece of jewelry hanging from my rearview mirror, I finger the heavy heart with the engraving on it and smile. She once told me she had overheard her father say something similar to her mom. That may be why it's stuck with me and why I think of those words when I think of Ryan.

Popping open Ryan's locket, I see the girl that I first went crazy over. She looks more innocent as she stands with her dad than when I first saw her. It's crazy what a few months and the loss of a loved one can do to a person. Turning the locket so I can see the other side, my eyes go to the road before eyeing the locket again. It's a picture of the day we got married. She's the happiest in this picture than any other one I have of her.

Closing the locket back up, I swipe at the lone tear that fell without me realizing it before gripping the steering wheel. I remove the cruise control and press down on the gas. The sooner I get to where I'm going, the sooner I can find what I'm looking for and get the fuck back.

As I wait for the door to be answered, the creepy vibe is still with me, and the knocker that looks to be staring back at me isn't helping at all. The door opens, startling me, but there stands Uncle Liam. He's just as I remember him, except he's a bit older now. Twelve years will do that to a person, I guess.

"Hello, Uncle Liam, long time no see."

The older man studies me briefly. "Beau? Is that you?"

"In the flesh…" I grin and then stand here awkwardly. "Uh, are you going to invite me in?"

"What for?" He's definitely annoyed, and that tells me I'm in the right place. He sticks his head out and looks around. "Your father isn't with you, is he?"

"Nope," I say, popping the P. "He doesn't even know I'm here. Hell, he doesn't even know you're alive." I slap my uncle on the shoulder and push my way through.

I stop and look around the front open foyer, whistling at the high ceilings and the rich décor scattered throughout the room. It doesn't look like Uncle Liam gave up his whole lifestyle. He must have had money hidden somewhere that Dad never found.

"So, Bain thinks I'm dead, you say?" Liam stands back, watching me with a careful eye.

"According to what he told me when I talked to him last, or I should say, fought with him last." I meet his irritated stare.

After his eyes stray, taking me in completely, he eyes my Marine bag. "You've grown up, Beau. You a Marine now?" He nods at the emblem on the bag.

"I was going to be, until they discharged me," I say, leaving it at that for now.

Something tells me I need to play a particular role around my uncle. I get the strange feeling that he isn't entirely on the up and up. The first thing that gives him away is that he isn't quite dead. Looking around and listening for other noises, I look back at Liam, still scrutinizing me.

"So, where is he?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Where is who?" He raises a brow.

"Your brother…my grandfather." I know it may be far-fetched, but I throw it out there, "My father never told me about the family after grandma died, but I remember him saying that grandpa was in a rehabilitation home. The funny thing is, when I called them, they said that his brother had checked him out years ago."

"Yeah, so. What's your point?"

I stare at him, making him think that I'm offended by his attitude. "My asshole of a father has kept me away from my family, and I want to embrace being a Huntley. God knows I won't learn anything from him!" I roll my eyes for a more dramatic effect.

Liam chuckles at this. "Your father sounds like he hasn't changed one bit. I told Bax he needed a firmer hand on that boy growing up and not letting his mother make a pansy out of him."

"Yeah, since Mom died, he's been an absent father. I guess you can say I lucked out there," I tell him and smirk.

"Yes, your mother. I remember her whorish ways, so you didn't miss out on much. I always knew that if she hadn't died, she would have broken his heart," Liam states with a sneer.

I do everything I can not to let show just how much his disrespect over my dead mother bothers me. Instead, I scoff, "See, he never told me anything like that. He had painted her a saint."

"What? Your mother? A saint? Let's just say she would spread those legs for anybody who gave her attention when your father was away on business."

"Well, I guess I lucked out not being raised by either one. You should have just taken me with you when you left, Uncle Liam."

"Yes, maybe I should have…" He nods toward my bag again. "You staying for a bit?"

"I'd like to. I want to get to know my uncle and grandfather. If he’s still around, that is." I shrug.

Liam chuckles, "Oh, that randy fucker is still around. He's bedridden, but he's still kicking and fucking like he did twenty years ago."

"No shit?" I grin. "He already sounds like my role model."