Page 7 of Twisted Lies

My uncle slaps my shoulder. "Boy, you're a chip off the old block…a true Huntley!"

"At least I can make someone proud of me, then, huh?"

"Of that, I have no doubt. Now, come. I'll show you to your room and then take you to Bax. He's in the middle of his afternoon fuck, but should be done anytime."

"Oh, did he remarry? Do I have a new grandma? Oh wait—most importantly—did he marry young, and does he share?"

"Fuck, boy. Nobody would want to marry Bax with how his face looks after the fire. Hell, the only way he gets fucked is because I make my own whore do him."

"Oh, Uncle Liam…you sly dog! That's awfully nice of you to share…"

"Yeah, well don't get any ideas. She's a used-up whore and only good for two things, taking my cock, and taking my brother's cock. We can get you your own if you plan on staying a while."

Liam is a piece of fucking work!

"Well, when you put it that way, I can't really pass up an invite like that, now can I?" My smile is one of mischief, and if I was back in high school, I'd join the fucking Drama Club. My acting is some A+ shit.

Liam takes me on a house tour. "You're free to go anywhere but down in the basement."

"Why, what's down there?" It's a simple question, but he spins on me.

"That's none of your damn business, boy! There is one rule in this house, and that is: No. Going. Into. The. Basement!"

"Yes, Sir…understood!" I say in my best Marine voice.

He eyes me momentarily and then nods. "Good, now let's go see your room."

I follow Liam back to the front of the house, toward the stairs, passing the door that leads to the forbidden basement. I now have a new mission. I need to get inside that basement to see what my loving uncle is hiding. Not only that, but I need to know what's up with my grandfather. I had thought maybe I'd find an ally in him, but the way Liam talks, Baxter Huntley sounds just like my douche of an uncle. I may need a plan B.


The room my uncle shows me is spacious and quite comfortable. With my own ensuite and small living room, I could get used to this. My room at the Manor is nice but not this nice. Tossing my bag on the bed, I follow my uncle out of the room and down the hall. A tall older man steps from the room we are heading towards, gripping a woman's arm. She's got a cloth around her eyes and is wearing a silk robe that remains open, showing off all her goods.

"Cover that whore up, Jesus! Can't you see we have a guest?" Liam barks angrily at the man leading the woman away.

"Sorry, Sir. My apologies." Grabbing the edges of the woman's robe, he snatches them together and ties them before gripping her hair and saying through clenched teeth, "You heard, Sir. Make sure your robe is always closed when you're finished."

I'm watching the scene take place until Liam sighs, "Don't mind her. Even after so many years, she still doesn't make a very good submissive, but hey, she makes up for it in the sack."

"Oh, so she isn't like a slave or anything?"

I ask because it sure as hell looks to be that way to me. I swear to God, if I find a basement full of trafficked humans, I'll kill the son of a bitch with my bare hands! I will never allow someone in my family to treat another human being like that. It makes me sick knowing that Ryan has to deal with that with the brothers. I pray they don't sell her. If that happens, I don't know if I will ever get her back.

My uncle scoffs, "She's family to us. She's been with me for years."

I pretend to shrug it off. "Cool."

Peeking into the room we are about to enter; a nurse is inside cleaning up my grandfather. He makes quick work when he sees that there are visitors. Liam holds his hand up, indicating he doesn't need to rush.

"Cal has been with us for the last few years. He takes excellent care of your grandfather," Liam states as he nudges me toward my grandfather, who's lying on his back, looking asleep.

Stepping up to the bed, I look down at the man that I supposedly look like and expect to see a deformed face, but all I see is a small burn scar starting on part of his jaw and leading down to his neck and then to his bare chest. How can my uncle say that nobody would marry him because of how he looks? He's still a handsome man.

My grandfather's eyes pop open, and that's when I see it. He's blind. Both eyes are a whitish-blue color and don't focus on anything, but still, that is no reason to say what Liam had said.

"Hello, Bax. I trust you had a good fuck?" Liam snickers.

My grandfather sighs. "Liam, you must give that woman a break. You have her doing two of us; it's got to be exhausting for her. I don't want her coming to my room tomorrow."