Not if she wanted Liam and Nico to live.

And she did. Because as much as she shouldn’t want them, she did.

She couldn’t believe they wanted a third. That they thought she could be part of their relationship, it was both ludicrous and . . .




She reached the door to the dining room and took a deep breath. Meals had always been such a formal affair in this house, even when their parents were alive. There was no eating a plate of food while watching TV or . . . or going on a picnic like she’d attempted to do with Nico yesterday.

Before Ace had gotten hurt, she’d been having fun.

What if she could be with them? What if it wasn’t such a crazy idea? What if they actually wanted her?

She was so sick of hiding. Of not having a life.

What if she said yes to dating them? What was the worst that could happen?

They could break my heart.

But she couldn’t really be worse off than she was. At least she would have tried. And Lottie was so damn sick of dog paddling just to keep her head above the water but never getting any closer to the shore.

Suddenly, the door opened, and she shot forward. Two large hands grabbed her around her upper arms.

“Whoa there, you okay?”

She gasped, glancing up at Liam. He gave her a concerned look.

“Um, yes, thank you.”

“Get your hands off her!” Regent demanded, moving up behind Liam.

She winced at the cold tone in his voice.

“Would you rather I let her fall over?” Liam asked.

“Let her go now,” Regent demanded.

Liam winked, then slowly let her go. He stepped to her side then leaned in. “Nice timing, baby. I was just coming to get you.”

A shiver ran through her as he moved away to take a seat at the table.

“Darling? You okay?” Regent reached out to touch her gently, running his hand lightly over her arm. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

She gave him a shocked look. “No, of course not. Liam wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Your lack of trust is wounding.”

She glanced over to see Liam had his hand on his chest. Her lips twitched. Nico was always the dramatic one, she hadn’t actually realized Liam had much of a sense of humor. Seems she was wrong.

But she wasn’t entirely sure it was a good thing he was showing it now. He seemed to be enjoying winding Regent up way too much.

Mind you, it was good for her oldest brother to be challenged. Not many people did.

Regent was now scowling at Liam. “Are you sure you don’t need to be leaving now?”