No! She didn’t want them to go.

Shit! Just as well she hadn’t said that out loud. Imagine trying to explain that to Regent. But from the smile on Nico’s face and the arrogant smirk on Liam’s, she had a feeling that she’d given herself away.

Schooling her face, she smiled up at Regent, sliding her hand around his arm. If there was something she knew, it was that Regent had a tough time denying her anything. Not that she ever asked for much. But she’d pretty much always gotten whatever she wanted.

Was she spoiled?

Yep, she was.

“I’m sure you didn’t mean that the way it sounded, right?” she said to her oldest brother. “Liam has more business to attend to, doesn’t he?”

“I’ve thought of a way to help with your problem, but if you’re not interested . . .” Liam flicked some imaginary lint off his shirt. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants. He looked as put together as always. Where Nico looked delightfully rumpled

“See?” she said. “He and Nico might as well stay here. It’s no bother. Kind of nice to have company.”

Regent scowled. “You want their company?”

“Nico really helped me yesterday.” She knew that Regent would get the subtle reminder. They owed Nico a debt. Letting him and Liam stay would be a way to repay that debt.

“We’ll talk about this soon,” Regent said to Liam.

Liam nodded, looking unconcerned.

Regent’s phone rang and he pulled it out, swearing. “It’s Victor.”

“It is? Is he coming home?” Her second oldest brother was the quietest of all of them. But he was also a good listener and had a big heart. Something most people didn’t realize since he was built like a tank. Similar to Liam. Maybe that’s why he didn’t scare her as much as he likely should.

“I need to take this, darling. Why don’t you go rest?”

She smothered a sigh. Seriously?

“Didn’t she come in for breakfast?” Nico asked hastily before Liam could speak.

Liam had his bright blue gaze fixed on Regent. She could just imagine what he’d been about to say.

“You were coming in for breakfast?” Regent asked as his phone stopped ringing. He frowned down at it.

“Uh, yes, I was feeling a bit hungry,” she lied.

“Really?” He looked so shocked and happy that her stomach twisted in sorrow. Apparently, her coming to eat was a cause for celebration.

She felt terrible.

His phone started ringing again.

“Go! Say hi to Vicky for me. Give him kisses.” She grinned as Regent just gave her the look. As if he wouldn’t be lowering himself to such a level where he gave kisses to anyone. She knew that would rile him up.

“Alice can bring you your meal upstairs,” he said.

“Regent!” she scolded. “I’m fine eating here with Liam and Nico.”

“We don’t have cooties,” Liam goaded.

Regent opened his mouth, but his phone started ringing again, interrupting him. With a groan, he pointed at Liam.

“I’ll talk to you after breakfast.” He slammed the door shut and she jumped.

“You okay, pretty girl?” Nico asked gently.