
“You’ll call us when you have one,” Liam decreed.

“What? But I’ll wake you up.”

“So? If you’re awake and in need, do you really think we’d want to be sleeping peacefully?”

“Liam doesn’t sleep well either,” Nico told her. “You won’t disturb us.”

“And you need to stop skipping meals as well,” Liam told her firmly.

“I just forget.”

They both stared at her.

“Okay . . . okay . . . eating hasn’t been a priority.”

“Self-care is important,” Liam lectured. “And until you remember to do things like rest and eat, we’ll be helping you. Understand?”

“Yes, Liam.”

He smiled. “Good girl.”


Liam watched as the two guys in the ring pummeled each other. They were at one of the underground fighting rings Regent operated. He had several business interests all over New Orleans. Some of them were legitimate, like clubs and restaurants. Others, less legitimate like where they were now.

Then there were the drugs and guns. But they didn’t talk about that part. Liam might have made cash in his younger days doing less than legal things, but he’d shifted all of his cash into legitimate businesses now.

Sometimes he missed being in the ring. But he was too old for this shit now. He stared around at the people in the room, yelling out encouragement or insults at the two fighters. The scent of blood, sweat and desperation was heavy on the air.

He wished he was back at the house with Nico and Lottie. He had barely seen her these last two days. Even when he was at the house, other people always seemed to be around. Today, Jardin had brought Thea and her brothers over. That littlest kid, Ace, was very possessive of Lottie.

Moving away into a quiet corridor, he drew his phone out and sent a text to Nico.

Liam: How’s it going?

Nico: It’s not going to be long before we’re caught. We need to speed things up.

Liam: I know.

Nico: She needs to spend time with you as well.

Liam: I’ll figure it out.

Nico: We need to tell her the full truth.

His first instinct was to say no. She didn’t need to know. But that wasn’t fair to her. She had questions he could answer. And the only reason he’d never come clean was to protect his asshole of a brother, who didn’t deserve his protection.

Liam: You’re right. We’ll do it. Soon.

Once she trusted them more. He was about to put his phone away when it started to ring. He groaned when he saw who was calling. He wished he could ignore him.

But that wasn’t happening.

“Grandfather,” he said, moving into an empty room.

“Always so formal, boyo,” came the deep voice down the phone.