“What would you have me call you? Granddaddy?”

“Now, that just sounds wrong.”

He snorted. “What do you want?”

“Never got any time for an old man. I could be callin’ to tell you I’m dyin’.”

“You’ll outlive all of us and you know it.”

“Well, maybe I’m not destined for hell just yet.”

“Hell doesn’t want you. The devil would be worried that you’d give him a run for his money.”

The old man laughed. “That I would, boyo. That I would.”

“What do you want, old man?” Liam asked tiredly. He wouldn’t call unless he had something to say. And whatever it was, Liam wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“Heard some rumors. Thought I’d check with my boy that they weren’t true.”

“And what’s that?”

What the fuck was he hearing from New York?

His grandfather had a wide reach so it shouldn’t surprise him. But then he was also known to put guys on Liam, without his permission.

“Do you have people watching me?”

“You told me I couldn’t do that anymore.”

“Doesn’t mean you’re not doing it.”

“Boyo, I told you. You’re family. Got to protect you.”

“And you also want me to take over the family business,” Liam said tiredly. The family business being the Irish mob.

“There’s not a smart one among your cousins,” his grandfather complained. “Bunch of fools.”

“They’re not fools. Any one of them could take over if you’d give them a chance. But whoever you choose, it won’t be me. I’m out. I’m legit now.”

“Oh, yeah? Then how come I hear you’re workin’ out a partnership with Regent Malone.”

“I’m friends with Regent.”

“I’m hearin’ it’s more.”

“I’ve got something going on here, Grandfather. I just need a week or two to sort something out.”

His grandfather grunted. “Got somethin’ to do with Malone’s pretty sister?”

Fuck. It wasn’t a good idea for Lottie to be on the radar of the head of the Irish mob.

“Charlotte isn’t any of your business.”

“It is if you’re plannin’ somethin’ with her. I always knew you weren’t destined to be with that Greek boy.”

He sighed. “I’m married to that Greek boy. I love him.”

“Then what’s goin’ on?”