He probably should have added a please. But he wasn’t exactly a please sort of guy.

Lottie: You realise you’re not the boss of me.

Liam: Ah, so that’s where we’re going wrong.

There was nothing for a moment. He looked over at Nico and winked. Regent was ignoring them both, but that suited Liam’s needs for the moment.

Another buzz in his hand.

Lottie: Wrong?

Liam: There’s obviously been a miscommunication.

Lottie: Because you think you’re the boss of me?

Liam: Because I am most definitely the boss of you.

Lottie: You’re delirious.

Liam: You’re beautiful. Now get your gorgeous butt downstairs for breakfast.

He left off the or else. He’d wait for her to ask.

Lottie: Or what?

Liam: Or I come upstairs and carry you down.

A few minutes of nothing. Okay, seemed he was going to have to make good on his threat. Liam never threatened something without following through.

“Where are you going?” Nico asked.

“Retrieving a package.”

“Oh, shit. You’re going to get murdered.” Nico shot a wary look at Regent.

“You’re forgetting who I am.”

“Yeah, but we’re in his house,” Nico whispered just as another text came through.

Lottie: You wouldn’t dare.

Liam: Do you really want to find out?

Lottie: Grr. Fine. I’m coming. Do not come get me.

Liam just smiled. First step taken.

The damn arrogance of the man.

Does he seriously think he gets to order me around?

She didn’t want breakfast. She’d only just woken up. Which was actually a miracle in itself. Last night was the best sleep she could remember having in forever. Maybe it was Nico’s magical voice. She could remember him crooning to her. The man was so damn sexy.

And then there was Liam. She didn’t understand what was going on with him. It was like something had snapped inside him.

His sanity. Whatever bit he’d had had obviously gone. Because there was no way that anything could happen between them. Between her and them.

Perhaps they just wanted her because she was someone they couldn’t have. Regent would throw a fit if he found out that Liam and Nico had been in her room last night. She couldn’t ever tell him that.