“Liam,” Nico said warningly.

Liam ignored him as he glared at Regent. The other man gave him a cold stare back.

“This is a family matter. Neither one of you is family.”

Liam got it. And if it had been anyone other than the two people in this world he truly cared about, he wouldn’t say a word against Regent. He’d agree with him.

But this was his girl and his husband.

“Nico was merely asking Lottie what she wants to do. Something, as her brother, I’m sure you’re concerned about. Shouldn’t you be asking the same question instead of just telling her you know best?”

“You both need to stop. Now.” The power in Nico’s voice surprised Liam and he turned to look at the other man. He was staring at them both furiously. And his arm was around Lottie, who had curled her legs up to her chest. Liam frowned, not liking her defensive posture.

Fuck. He was doing the same thing Regent was. Thinking of himself. Not her.

“Shut up, both of you. Think of someone else other than your egos for once, huh?”

He deserved those words, even as they made him grind his teeth, wanting to snap back.

That wouldn’t solve anything.

“Shit,” Regent said in a low voice. “Lottie? Darling, look at me.”

She raised her face slowly, looking at Regent. Then to Liam’s shock, she turned her gaze to his. Those hazel eyes were filled with such pain that it made him flinch.

Fuck. Be gentler.

“There’s no need to be scared,” he reassured her. “No one here would harm you.”

“Remember. Marshmallow,” Nico said to her.


But for whatever reason, that seemed to work. She lowered her legs.

“What do you want to do?” Regent asked her, putting a hand back on her knee.

She was silent for a long moment, taking slow breaths in.

“I want to go home.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Wait, though,” she said, grabbing Regent’s arm. “I can’t leave without knowing how Ace is.”

“Thea is here, isn’t she?” Regent asked.

“I’m sure we can find out,” Liam said in a firm tone. “Can’t we, Regent?”

Regent glared up at him. “I’ll find out.”

Lottie gave him a shaky smile. “Thanks.”

He moved to the door and opened it, speaking quietly to the guard.

“You’re in trouble,” Liam said to Nico instead of doing what he really wanted to do, which was sit next to Lottie and draw her into his lap.

“Sorry,” Nico said in a casual voice.