Liam moved over as well. “Are you hurt? Either of you?”

Lottie jumped slightly and he realized his tone had been a touch too harsh. Fuck. He didn’t mean it to be. Concern had him speaking before he thought.

“We’re fine,” Nico told him. “Ace was the only one hurt. Broken arm. They’ve X-rayed it and he’s in getting a cast. Thea, Jardin, Carrick, and Keir are back with him. It was already too many people, so we decided to wait out here. Gerald and Peter are with them.”

Reaching out, Regent took hold of her free hand, before glaring at Nico in an attempt to get him to let go of her other hand.

“Do you mind?” Regent said stiffly.

Nico gave him a huge, toothy smile. “Nope, don’t mind at all.”

“Let go of my sister.”

Liam scowled. He didn’t like that. Nobody forced his husband to do anything he didn’t want to. He moved closer to them, prepared to tell Regent to get fucked when Nico widened his eyes at him, giving him a quick shake of his head.

Liam wasn’t happy. He crossed his arms over his chest, prepared to still do it when Nico gestured at Lottie who was nodding at something Regent was whispering to her.

Fine. Fuck.

Liam turned his gaze from Nico to take in their girl. A fine tremble shook her. He looked to Nico in concern.

“Lottie, what are you doing here?” Regent asked. Her gaze settled on her brother.

Fuck. He hated that she looked to him for guidance and strength.

Instead of Liam.

“Why didn’t you stay at home and let Gerald handle all of this?” Regent asked in a gentle voice. Liam had only ever heard him use that voice with his sister.

“Ace wanted me to come. I couldn’t let him down. It was my fault he got hurt.”

Her fault? Why? Because she’d been watching him?

“It wasn’t your fault, Lottie,” Nico told her firmly. “We were both watching him. We told him not to climb the high tree.”

“Of course, it’s not your fault,” Regent soothed. “You shouldn’t have been looking after them without me there. I’ll make it clear to Jardin that’s not to happen again.”

Lottie’s shoulders slumped and Liam clenched his hands into fists. Didn’t he see what he’d just done to her? Shouldn’t Regent be praising her? Be lifting her up, rather than telling her that she wasn’t capable?

“Yes, of course,” she whispered.

“Let’s go. We need to get you home. You’re exhausted. I’m going to carry you.”

Carry her?

Liam waited for her to tell her brother she was fine. To stop being so overbearing. But she seemed almost out of it. Like she’d sunk inside herself.

Liam shot a look at Nico, but he was staring at Lottie worriedly.

“Lottie?” Nico asked. “Do you want to go home, or do you want to wait and see how Ace is?”

“You need to butt out, this has nothing to do with you,” Regent shot at Nico.

“And you need to watch your tone,” Liam said in a low, warning voice.

“She’s my sister. I know what she needs. And right now, she needs to go home. The two of you need to step back.”

“My husband has been with her the entire day. He’s been taking care of her. You owe him a debt.”