Liam climbed into the back of the car beside Regent.

He blew out a breath as he sat back, and the car started moving forward. The partition was up between them and the front seat where two of Regent’s guys sat. There were two more in a car behind him. More security than either of them usually traveled with. But Regent had wanted a show of force for this meeting. With good reason.

“What did you think?” Regent asked, without looking at him.

To look at him, you’d think he was unaffected by anything that had just happened. But Liam had known him for a while now. He knew from the tight way he held his jaw to the forced casualness of his pose that Regent was concerned.

“There’s something off with him,” Liam said.

Regent let out a slight breath then nodded with a frown. “That’s what I thought.”

“Doesn’t mean he has anything to do with your problems, though.”

“No, but he could be willing to take advantage.”

Yeah, that could definitely be it. Patrick held control of a smaller part of New Orleans than Regent did. So if he wanted a bigger share, he could be waiting for Regent to fuck up then make his move.

“I’ve got a rat in the ranks,” Regent muttered.

They’d been friends for years, and Liam had nothing to do with Regent’s business dealings. Which is likely why the other man felt safe discussing this with him. “Nobody should have come close to intercepting the last shipment from Mexico and I can’t work out how they came so close unless I have a rat.”

Made sense.

“Victor is down there now, smoothing things over?”

“If by smoothing things over, you mean he’s busting heads and intimidating people, then yeah.”

Regent’s phone rang. He looked at who was calling and frowned, answering the call.

“Gerald? What is it? What? Why is she at the hospital? Fuck. Is it broken?”

Liam glared at Regent. Who was at the hospital? Lottie?

He tapped out a message to Nico.

Liam: Where are you? What’s going on?

No reply. Fuck.

“We’re on our way. No, stay there with them. Is she all right? Fuck. Yes. Fifteen.”

Regent ended the call with a grunt.

“What is it?” Liam asked, staring down at his phone. He was going to kill Nico. Liam preferred to move around without guards. Yeah, his wealth and connections could make him a target but he stuck to the shadows and there wasn’t much he wasn’t capable of doing himself.

But Nico was his weak spot.

Nico and now Lottie. Which meant that he might have to review how he operated. Because Lottie would need protection.

And if Nico wasn’t going to do what he fucking told him to and stay in touch, stay put, then he might find himself with a guard too.

“You haven’t heard from Nico?” Regent asked.

“No. What is it?”

Regent raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything about his tense tone.