Everyone gave her surprised looks. Even Keir.

“I’m coming. Let’s go. He’s in pain.”

“I . . .” Gerald looked utterly flummoxed. “That’s not a good idea, Miss Lottie.”

“I’m going.” She gave Gerald a firm look. “Nico, can you carry Ace? I’ll get, um. What will I need?”

“Your handbag,” Nico told her. “Phone.”

Right. The panic was already starting to overwhelm her.

Just breathe, Lottie. You can do this. He’s a child. He needs you.

She raced upstairs, feeling breathless and ill by the time she got to her room. There was her phone. She didn’t know where her wallet was. She never went anywhere.

No time. No time.

She dashed back downstairs, then saw Nico carrying Ace toward the front door. She stilled as she reached the door.

She flushed hot then cold, her stomach turning over.

Can’t do this. Can’t do this.

Nico turned, studied her.

“Lottie, you should stay here.”

God, she wanted to. So much. The thought of going somewhere with a bunch of strangers . . . she had to swallow down a mouthful of bile. What if she had a panic attack? Fainted? Threw up?

“Lottie,” Ace cried out.

But she had to do this for him. It was her fault that he’d hurt himself. She was supposed to be taking care of him but look what had happened.

“Lottie,” Nico said in a low voice. “Come to me.”

His words were filled with steel, and she found herself moving to him without thought.

“Why is Lottie breathing funny?” Ace asked. “Is she hurt too?”

“Lottie is fine. She just needs to keep her eyes on me. I’m going to help her. And she’ll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to her.”

Nico’s words slowly penetrated the panic threatening to send her spiraling.

“Deep breath in, nice and slow. That’s it. Take hold of my arm.”

There was that commanding tone again. It filled her with strength. She didn’t know how or why.

“Don’t let go unless I give you permission.”

Permission? Seriously? She should probably object to that wording. She didn’t need his permission for anything. But she still clung to his arm as they walked outside toward the waiting town car.

“Eyes on me, Lottie. Don’t you look away,” Nico commanded.

She couldn’t do this.

“It hurts,” Ace cried.

She had to do this.