Page 23 of Unplanned

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now? She doesn’t want to see us so we’re not allowed in,” I yell out, not being able to stop myself.

“You’re lyin’,” Brick says in a whisper. “She’s not fuckin’ pregnant.”

“She is. I’ve done the test myself and taken a blood sample for extra confirmation. Autumn is pregnant,” Doc states calmly as Steel, Harley, and Tank make their way back in Autumn’s room.

“You’re nothin’ but a fuckin’ lyin’ bitch. You told us you were on birth control when we had sex. Now you’re suddenly pregnant. Tryin’ to trap me because I fucked you. You weren’t even that fuckin’ good,” Brick shouts, his face turning red as his own anger bursts out.

“You little fucker!” Steel yells, racing from the room and slamming his son into the wall behind him. “I everfuckin’ hear you talk to a woman like that again and I’ll fuckin’ beat your ass. That woman is carryin’ your baby regardless of how it happened. And you should fuckin’ know to wear a condom. Did you?”

When Brick doesn’t answer, Steel has the only answer he needs.

“That’s not . . .,” Brick starts to say before he’s cut off by Tank shoving Steel aside and getting in my best friend’s face.

“Shut the fuck up!” Tank roars as we all shake from the ice in his voice. “Doc just said no fuckin’ stress. You’re bringin’ nothin’ but stress. Get the fuck outta here. If I see you anywhere near this girl again, your dad won’t have a chance to get his hands on you. I’ll fuckin’ bury you, Brick. I love you like one of my own boys, but you need to get yourself right. Fuck off and don’t let me see you again today.”

Tank slams his fist in Brick’s gut before turning and following Steel back into Autumn’s room. The door is shut once Doc and Venom are inside leaving Brick and me alone in the hallway. I don’t say a word to my best friend as I turn and walk away. When I brought Autumn back to the clubhouse today, I never once believed we’d learn she’s pregnant. Brick is going to be a dad. Quinn an aunt. Harley and Steel grandparents again. I personally have no role in this situation. The only reason I would is because of Brick and I sharing her. This is nothing more than a fucking shitstorm.

I walk out of the clubhouse and head straight for my bike. No one says a word to me as I pass Hawkeye, Otter, and Bull where they stand at their bikes. Straddling my bike, I quickly start the engine and pull away from the clubhouse. I’m not about to be here when Tank is on a fucking warpath. When he says something, Tank means it. He’ll protect Autumn from Brick and me no matter what it takes. I wouldn’t honestly be surprised at this point if he takes her back to Clifton Falls right now just to keep her from us.


Chapter Fifteen


GHOST AND BRICK are so angry. Fear courses through me because I’ve only seen that anger in one other person. My mother. She would use that anger to hurt and humiliate me any chance she got. My body shakes uncontrollably as Quinn and Harley grab as many blankets as they can to cover me with while I continue to shake. I barely register the guys in the room with us as one word floats through my head on a loop—pregnant. I can’t believe I’m pregnant. I’ve only had sex one time and there’s no way in hell I got pregnant then. What the fuck is going on?

“I didn’t do this on purpose,” I finally whisper, my voice shaking as I try to get the words out.

“We know you didn’t, Autumn. I know you don’t know me, but I’m Quinn and Brick’s mom Harley. This is their dad Steel,” Harley says, pointing to the man at the foot of the bed. “The other guy you don’t know is Tank. He’s Hawkeye, Kevlar, and Ricochet’s dad. We’re from Dander Falls and Tank is from Clifton Falls. Autumn, I’m going to apologize right now for my son’s actions and words. That’s not how he was raised and I’m ashamed of him right now. Ghost isn’t any better and I know his parents would be just as disappointed as we are. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they show up and give him an ass chewing of their own because of his actions toward you.”

“They have the right to be angry,” I say, looking at everyone in the room. “I didn’t lie though. I am on birth control. Dr. Tallman, I told you that when I was sick that last time.”

“Yes, you did. And you were also on antibiotics for that infection. Antibiotics can interfere with birth control. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that at the time. I honestly wasn’t even thinking about it. Still, Brick knows how to use a condom,” Doc says as she steps up closer to the bed. “For the rest of the day, I want you to rest and don’t get out of bed unless absolutely necessary. You were swaying on your feet and while you feel okay now, that might not continue moving forward. Try to remain as hydrated as possible and eat when you can. For now, I’d advise you to stick to soft foods that aren’t completely bland, but aren’t full of spices either. Things that will be easy on your stomach. And as I stated, stay away from stressful situations as much as possible.”

“Thank you, Dr. Tallman. I honestly just want to remain in bed and sleep. I feel as if I haven’t slept in months. But, I do need to talk to the club about a few things. This is stuff I should have told them when I first got here,” I tell her while looking at Venom. “I’m sorry for all of this. Venom, I will be leaving here once I’m done talking to the club about things. This situation is so out of control and I don’t want to be where I’m clearly not wanted.”

“Honey, you have an open invitation to Clifton Falls or Dander Falls at any point in time. We’ll take you back to either club as soon as you say the word,” Tank says, stepping up next to Steel at the end of my bed. “That baby you carry is wanted and loved already and no matter what is said today, you’re wanted Autumn. I know a little of your situation and there’s nothin’ you can say that will make me change my mind on that. I have a little truth of my own to dish out. We’ll do it in church and I hope you won’t hate me for it when you learn of what I’ve just discovered.”

“Okay. Have your conversation with the club and then right back to bed, Autumn. Avoid Brick and Ghost if you can,” Dr. Tallman says before leaving.

“Venom, can we get this taken care of now? I’d rather say what I have to say now so I can take a nap. Then, I’ll be leaving and you won’t have to worry about Brick and Ghost being pissed off or whatever they are,” I ask, knowing if I don’t speak my truth right now, I won’t do it before taking off.

“You don’t have to leave, Autumn. I know none of us with the exception of Quinn has really made it apparent that you’re welcome here, but you are. Every member and ol’ lady here needs to do better. Our parents are right in sayin’ we were raised better than how we’ve been toward you. My dad will have my ass when he knows the part I played in this situation. I’m sorry, Autumn. I know it doesn’t mean anythin’ in the grand scheme of things, but I am,” Venom says as he pulls out his phone and sends a message to someone. “If you come out in about ten minutes, I should have everyone in church. Tank and Steel, if you’d bring her in once she’s ready, I’d appreciate it.”

Venom turns and leaves my room, softly closing the door behind him. I look at everyone still here and wonder what I’m going to do. There’s no way I can stay in Cedar Bay after everything. However, I don’t know if I can go back to Clifton Falls or Dander Falls because I don’t know anyone there. I’m literally just meeting Brick’s parents and the triplets’ dad. I don’t know anything about Ghost or where his family is from. This shouldn’t be happening right now. None of us are ready for a baby when there’s so much confusion, hurt, and anger between the three of us. Or at least between Brick and me. There’s no doubt the baby is Brick’s. He’s the only one I had sex with that day.

Quinn helped me get cleaned up and into a fresh change of clothes after sweating so much when I was getting sick earlier. While I would’ve loved to take a full shower, I knew there wasn’t time for all of that. So, I took a quick sponge bath before changing and will shower once I’m done talking to the members of the club. I’m sure I’ll need it once I’m done in there. Nerves fill me as I leave the safety of the bathroom to find Steel and Tank waiting for me. Harley and Quinn have left my room leaving just the three of us.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Tank asks, his deep voice washing over me and making me feel safe.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Steel, please know I didn’t mean for this to happen. Not for any of it. I didn’t even know there was a motorcycle club in this town when I got here. My plan wasn’t even to stay here. I just got sick and then didn’t have the money to move on,” I tell Brick’s dad as I look at the floor in front of me.

“I know, Autumn. While I might not know the entire situation, I’ve pieced enough of it together to know none of this is your fault. You’re a victim of your circumstances and have done the best with your life as you can. My son is a fuckin’ idiot and I’m gonna beat his ass for how he’s acted toward you,” Steel says, wrapping an arm over my shoulders as we leave the room. “You take all the time you need in that room and don’t look at anyone if you don’t want to. Leave Brick and Ghost to Tank and me. We won’t let them hurt you in any way. If they say one word, I’ll take you out of there myself and make sure you’re no longer here in Cedar Bay.”

With a nod of my head, I let Steel and Tank lead me toward the room the guys have church in. I’m not sure what church is exactly, and I’m not about to ask. I’m sure Brick and Ghost would see me asking any questions as trying to find out information on the club to give to Nolan or someone else. So, it’s better for me to keep my mouth shut and not ask any questions. I won’t be here long enough for it to matter what church is at the end of the day.

When we get to a set of double doors, I take in the same design burned on them as what the guys have on their cuts. That’s one thing I was told about by Quinn. I accidentally called it a vest one day and she explained what it actually is. Steel slams his fist into the door and we wait for it to be opened. Hawkeye opens the door and takes in his dad standing at my back. I don’t know what’s going through his mind right now, but the red tint creeping up on Hawkeye’s face lets me know he’s embarrassed for some reason.