Page 24 of Unplanned

“Now, as I explained, Autumn wanted to come in here to share her story. I don’t want to hear a single word from any of you at this table. The first person who says a word is gonna get dealt a harsh punishment,” Venom warns everyone around the table as Tank and Steel stop at the end with me. “Autumn, start whenever you’re ready. Take all the time you need. If it gets to be too much at any point, don’t hesitate to leave the room. You don’t need to tell us anythin’ and I’m sorry it’s come to you feelin’ pressured to do so now.”

“For as long as I can remember, neither one of my parents ever truly wanted me. My father was never around. When he was home, he was locked in his office or in some kind of meeting. My mother never once hesitated to let me know how much she hates me. I was always getting yelled at for one reason or another by her. That’s when she’d even see me. I was essentially raised by nannies who didn’t give a shit about what I did, if I was okay, or anything else.

“As I got older, my mother stopped yelling for the most part. I was belittled for how heavy I am, she wouldn’t feed me for days on end because I was too fat according to her. There were weeks where I’d only have one small salad for the entire day. I could drink water, but nothing else. The only time I was allowed to eat the same thing as my parents was when company was over. Even then, I had portions the size a toddler would eat. I was always so hungry and the cupboards, pantries, and refrigerator were always locked. There was no chance for me to get anything to eat.

“My punishments also changed. Instead of being yelled at or ignored, I had a few different things my mother would do. One of those was to lock me in a closet with no light or anything to help me stay comfortable. More than once, I’d lose track of how long I was locked away only to get released by a nanny and find out several days had passed. Those days I was in the closet, I didn’t get anything to eat or drink. There was also a cage in the basement that I’d be forced into. It was large enough for a medium size dog and that’s where I’d remain until someone came down to get me. There were no blankets, cushions or anything in the cage with me and I’d most often end up down there in the winter so it was freezing cold.

“When my father died, my mother lost all control. She didn’t have access to the trust fund I got from him. Money she feels entitled to. I’ve also got a second trust fund from my grandparents she’s been trying to access for as long as I can remember. They’ve only been gone for about three years longer than my father. Anyway, after she realized I wasn’t going to help her get her hands on my money, my mother became even more horrible. I was locked in the house, not allowed to continue going to college, I couldn’t go out even with her to any functions. The only time I saw anyone else was when she’d bring a new guy around or if she was hosting a party. She had to keep up appearances so I was brought out of my room to be on display.

“Every single day I’ve been hurt by my mother. Yes, I have access to my money, but I didn’t want to touch it because of her. The more I use it, the angrier she’ll be with me. So, I’ve hardly touched it for as long as I’ve been able to use it. Right now is the most I’ve ever taken out to use and it’s all sitting in my bags. She has not only starved and locked me away, but I’ve had to hear how horrible I am, what a waste of space, if there’s something horrible you’ve ever thought or said about someone, I can pretty much guarantee I’ve heard it straight from my mother.

“Nolan came into the picture about six months ago. She brought him to the house and he immediately ignored my mother when she brought me out of my room. They discussed a marriage contract between Nolan and myself as if I weren’t even in the room. I might not know much about the man, but I immediately felt uncomfortable and had the urge to run from him. As the months went on, my mother and Nolan worked on the fine details of my marriage to him. I don’t know every single detail either. What I do know is the day I ran, it’s because of a conversation between the two of them I overheard.

“I’m only getting married to Nolan because he needs an heir. Once I have the baby he plans on doing one of two things with me. I’ll either be killed or he’ll sell me to the highest bidder. My child will be kept by him and he’ll raise him or her. That’s not something I’ll ever allow to happen. So, I finally gathered up the courage to leave and had been running until I got here. The day I stopped in town, I met Quinn. I was so sick and she helped me. Dr. Tallman examined me that day and determined I had the flu. By the time I was feeling better, I didn’t have enough money to leave town. So, I stuck around and lived in my car. Everything changed the day Brick came and towed my car to the garage.

“Please know I won’t ever be able to thank you all enough for giving me a roof over my head, food to eat, and a job that was willing to pay me under the table. Yes, I lied about the cell phone I had. The only reason I did is because there were pictures on there I didn’t want to lose. In my mind, the second the phone was handed over, it would be destroyed and I’d lose the only pictures I have of my grandparents. They were the only ones in my life who truly loved and cared for me. I miss them every single day with all of my heart. Venom, I told you that Doc checked me out for a tracker being embedded in my body. Well, she found one in my shoulder and removed it in her office. I didn’t feel it was important for you to know because it had already been dealt with. So, now you know most of my story and it’s all the truth. After today I won’t be here any longer so there really was no reason for me to come in here and share all of that with you. However, I did. Venom, thank you for your kindness. It means more than you know,” I say, finally getting the words out that I’ve been holding in for most of my life. And I didn’t even go into a ton of detail about what else has been done to me over the years.

“Thank you, Autumn. Tank has also expressed the need to say somethin’. Tank, the floor is yours,” Venom says, looking at the man standing next to me.

“Before comin’ down here, I did a little diggin’ of my own. The last name, Connors, sounded really familiar to me for some reason. When I looked into what Goose had found, I realized why the name is so familiar. Connors is the married name of my sister. We had a fallin’ out a long time ago and I’ve never thought of her since it happened. Never in my dreams did I think Janice would be stupid enough to have a child. She’s never wanted children and always pictured a life of luxury. Autumn, you are my niece. I’m so fuckin’ sorry I haven’t been there for you. If I had looked into my sister earlier, I would’ve taken you out of that house when you were little. You wouldn’t have suffered at her hands the way you have and you sure as fuck wouldn’t be engaged to a man like Nolan Montez,” Tank says, completely shocking me and everyone else in the room.

“Are you sure we’re talking about the same woman?” I ask Tank, looking up at him.

“I’m positive. Janice hasn’t changed a single thing about the way she looks over the years. So, yes, you’re my niece. Hawkeye, Ricochet, and Kevlar are your cousins. My wife is your aunt and my daughter is your cousin. You have a family, Autumn. My wife and I have no problem taking you into our home and bein’ there for you. If you want to come back to Clifton Falls with me, I’ll gladly take you right this second,” he states, looking around the room and daring anyone to say anything about me leaving to him.

“This is a lot to process. That’s not what I was expecting you to say. Can I have some time to think about it?” I ask him, trying to figure out what to do in this situation.

“Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I’m not goin’ anywhere for right now. Why don’t you go back to your room after you get somethin’ to eat. We can talk more later today or tomorrow. For now, Steel and I need to have a few words with these assholes,” he says, a hard glare directed at Brick and Ghost.

“Okay. Thank you for listening to me. One way or another, I won’t be here much longer. I’m hoping to leave by tomorrow. I’ll make sure everything is clean and you won’t know I was ever here. I’ll also leave some money behind to cover the costs of everything I’ve used while here.”

Without another word, I turn on my heels and leave. Before the door even closes, I can hear Tank and Steel yelling at the members of the club. My steps quicken as I head for the common room. Harley and Quinn are sitting at a table together. Each of them are holding kids and I know they’re Quinn’s son and daughter. I offer them each a small nod before heading for the kitchen. I’m trying really hard to hold in the tears right now. I don’t want anyone to see me breaking down. There’s so many damn emotions filling me and I don’t know how to begin processing everything. For now, I just need to worry about getting some food and something to drink so I can take a nap. Maybe I’ll wake up with a clear head and can figure out the best way to move forward.

Chapter Sixteen


HEARING AUTUMN’S STORY is the stuff nightmares are made of. She’s lived through hell and it doesn’t sound like she’s had many opportunities to get out and socialize like a normal person or get close to anyone. Even if she did have the chance to get close to others, it sounds as if she wouldn’t trust them. I thought Ghost and I had trust issues, but they don’t seem like anything compared to what Autumn has. There has never been a chance for her to let anyone close so she doesn’t know how to do it. To open herself completely and let them in. Ghost and I at least have that experience. We’ve let every member and ol’ lady of the club in and we trust them more than anyone else. Autumn has absolutely no one she can trust. It makes what she did a little easier to accept, but it doesn’t change anything. Autumn still lied about her phone and I can’t accept that shit.

Since the bombshell was dropped by Tank, Hawkeye, Ricochet, and Kevlar have been locked in one of their rooms with their dad. I don’t know what they’re discussing or what decisions will be made by any of them. The only thing I know is the triplets won’t let a family member go without making sure they’re okay and that she knows they’ve got her back. The triplets are the most loyal bunch of guys I’ve ever met and it’s something they learned from their dad. Tank is the best fucking guy and always seems to know when someone needs him. He’s been there for our moms more often than any other guy in the Wild Kings. Over the years Tank has been a sounding board for most of us in the club and has helped countless problems we’ve had. The man is usually even tempered and doesn’t lose his cool. I’ve definitely pushed him beyond his limits. Knowing he’s Autumn’s uncle makes his reaction make sense. At least a little bit.

Since Autumn walked out of the meeting, I haven’t seen her. I don’t really want to see her right now though. I’m still so fucking pissed off at her and I have no clue what to think or feel about anything. She’s fucking pregnant and it’s my baby. There’s no doubt I’m the dad. Not only was she a virgin when we had sex, but she hasn’t been with anyone else since the time Ghost and I were with her. No one’s talked to her or spent any time alone with her except for Quinn. So, I’m going to be a dad and I don’t know how to feel about the situation. This is what I’ve never wanted in my life. I was content to be the happy bachelor that spoiled all the kids in the club and was there for them when they needed me. Our enemies can use an ol’ lady and kids against you. I’ve seen it happen too many times over the years and I refused to put a woman or child in that position. Yes, I know I could’ve done something to make sure I wasn’t able to have kids, but I never thought I’d have to worry about it. I always use condoms and have never had a pregnancy scare with anyone.

Now, this isn’t some pregnancy scare. Autumn is pregnant and it’s making her sick as fuck. I saw her when Ghost brought her back earlier and she looked horrible. The thought of her needing the hospital was the only thing in my mind when I saw how horrible she looked. I’m not even sure how she drove her car the short distance from the bay to the clubhouse parking lot. She could barely keep her head up and her eyes open. I’ve never seen anyone look as horrible as she did in that moment.

After Autumn left church, Tank and my dad both gave us an ass chewing. Tank went off on every single person in the room and berated us for acting the way we have been toward Autumn. Ghost’s dad, Shadow, was on the phone when they were going off on us. He added his own opinion on the situation to the conversation before hanging up. That was after letting us know he’ll be on his way down with Renee so they can meet Autumn and make sure she knows they’ll be there for her. Even though the baby is mine, they’re going to treat him or her as their own grandchild. Everyone knows Ghost and I share and it could just as easily be his baby as it is mine.

I’ve never seen the look of hate in Tank’s eyes like I did today. My dad wasn’t much better. He looked at every single one of us with shame filling his eyes. One of the two people I hate disappointing is my dad. I respect him and want him to be proud of me. Instead, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. If I walk close to him, my dad turns away and leaves the area or room completely. My mom and sister are acting the same way. Quinn won’t let me near my niece or nephew and my mom isn’t speaking to me. She’ll talk to anyone else in the club, but not me. It hurts more than I thought it would. My family is choosing to have Autumn’s back while ignoring me. They don’t want to hear my side of the story or anything. I’m glad they are standing up for her though.

The ol’ ladies of this chapter of the club are even banding together and trying to figure out a way to make things up to Autumn. I’m not sure what they’ve decided on doing, but they will make something work. They know how to apologize and make the person forgive them without much effort being put into things. And they’re genuine with their apologies. I know it’s just a matter of time before they bring Autumn into their circle and make her feel as if she belongs here. It’s what I should want to happen with her since she’s carrying my child. However, I wonder if her going to one of the other chapters is better than remaining in Cedar Bay. Especially when I don’t know what I’m going to do about being in the baby’s life. I won’t ever let Autumn raise our child on her own, but being an active part of the baby’s life is another story. One I’m not sure if I can do. It would only paint a target on my child’s back and that’s not good. Not a situation I’m willing to put such an innocent person into.

“So, you’re not gonna talk to me ever again?” I ask my dad, finally seeing him leaning up against the bar in the common room.

“Cole, I don’t honestly know what to say to you. The way you reacted in the hall outside of Autumn’s room is the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen in my life. You hurt her so fuckin’ deep and there’s no comin’ back from that. That’s on top of the way you’ve been treatin’ her since the day you fucked her. Again, you were raised better than that and this shit isn’t how I ever thought I’d see my son act. Your mother has nothin’ to say to you. She doesn’t even want to look at you. That girl has needed someone to have her back and every single one of you have made it clear that you don’t have her back. Of course she’s not going to open up to anyone here. I would’ve fuckin’ lied about the cell phone if I were her too. You can be pissed all you want, but put yourself in her shoes and really think about what you’d do,” my dad says, his voice cold and hard.

“Dad, there’s no good reason for her to lie about anythin’. What if her mother or Nolan had tracked her directly to the clubhouse and attacked when we were all at work? She would’ve put every single woman and kid here in the path of destruction. Is no one thinkin’ about that aspect of the situation?” I return, letting my anger at the possibility out.

“Yes, we’re thinkin’ about that shit, Cole. However, have you thought about the fact that not a single one of you assholes here made her believe she could trust you with anythin’? Even the girls didn’t push or try to get close to her. Your sister is the only one who did and even that was half-assed because she spent most of her time at the hospital with James. I hope to fuck she comes back with Tank or myself and leaves you all behind. Have you even thought about the baby and what you want to do about him or her?”